Subject: Aesthetics

Scientific Area:

Art Sciences


48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

0 - At the end of the semester, students should be able to:
1 - Recognize and understand notions, concepts and fundamental vocabulary, within the field of aesthetics.
2 - Analyse the relationship between art and design theories and practices, as well as their importance in understanding the present times.
3 - Actively participate in discussions and debates abouta esthetics questions
4 - Develop personal research within aesthetics field.


1 - Introduction to concepts of Art, Beautiful, Taste and Aesthetics.
2 - Origin of aesthetic thinking: Beauty, from Ancient era to the Renaissance.
3 - Taste as an object of reflection: empiricism in England and France.
4 - Baumgartem and Kant. The science of sensible knowledge and the Aesthetic Judgment.
5 - Problems of Aesthetics in the twentieth century: theory and definition of art; History, semiotics and criticism.


BARILLI, Renato , 1999 , Curso de Estética , Estampa
CARROLL, Noël , 2010 , A Filosofia da Arte , Texto & Grafias
VILÈM, Flusser , 2010 , A Filosofia do Design , Relógio D'Água
DUFRENNE, Mikel , 1982 , A Estética e as Ciências da Arte , Bertrand
BAYER, Raymond , 1979 , História da Estética , Estampa
DORFLES, Gillo , 1978 , O Design Industrial e a sua Estética , Presença
OSBORNE, Harold , 1978 , A Apreciação da Arte , Cultrix
U. Eco , 1989 , Arte e beleza na estética medieval , Presença

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Combination of the following methods: - explanatory and explanatory method. - dialogical method. - active method. Assessment Methods: 1 - Periodic assessment: 2 MINI-TESTS throughout the semester (50%) and 2 short oral presentations (40%) - Continuous assessment (10%): attendance, participation in class and extracurricular activities of the semester.