Subject: Information Systems and Technologies I

Scientific Area:



48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Know the most used computer tools in the scope of hotel management, with an emphasis on their functionalities and application areas.
2 - Develop projects for treatment, analysis and visualization of relevant data in the area of hotel management. Specifically the use of advanced spreadsheets and database development for tasks related to data.


1 - 1. Technologies and Information Systems for Hotel Management 1.1. Functional areas and their applications 1.2 Operational objectives and information systems strategy 1.3 Communication networks in the hospitality industry 1.4 Computer Security Concepts
2 - 2. Spreadsheet Software - Microsoft Excel 2.1 Basic and advanced spreadsheet concepts 2.2 Data Analysis and Processing 2.3 Advanced data visualization
3 - 3. Database Software - Microsoft Access 3.1 Definition of a database 3.2. Entity-Relationship Data Model 3.2 Inserting and updating data 3.3 Data processing and visualization
4 - 4. Practical examples in the field of Hotel Management using the tools of spreadsheet and databases and their applicability


Alexander, Michael; Kusleika, Richard; Walkenbach, John. , 2019 , Excel 2019 , New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc
Gouveia, Feliz , 2014 , Fundamentos de Bases de Dados , FCA
Marques, Paulo Capela; Costa, Nuno , 2014 , Fundamental do Excel 2013 , FCA
Martins, António , 2017 , Excel Aplicado à Gestão , Silabo
Neves, Jorge , 2010 , Fundamental do Access 2010 , FCA
Rodrigues, Luís Silva. , 2016 , Utilização do Excel para Economia & Gestão , FCA
Serrano, António; Caldeira, Mário; Guerreiro, António , 2004 , Gestão de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação , FCA
Sousa, Sérgio. , 2010 , Tecnologias de Informação - O que são? Para que servem? , FCA
Wallace, Patricia , 2018 , 8 Introduction to Information Systems: People, Technology and Processes , Pearson

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Theoretical-practical classes use the expository method to present the contents of the program, always seeking to have the participation of students in the construction of learning. Actual application usage scenarios are also included and existing options are discussed and evaluated. In addition, the classes involve small research tasks, solving problems related to the organization of data, and the experience and contact with the most important functionalities of the hotel tools, individually and in groups. Continuous assessment comprises a theoretical frequency that corresponds to 35% of the grade of the curricular unit and involves the consolidation of the theoretical contents covered, and the remaining quotation is understood through 15% in class work corresponding to the accomplishment of small tasks of investigation or use of the tools addressed to solve given problems, the remaining 50% of which is carried out through the development of work in different areas.