Subject: Portuguese and European Economy

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - The course fills the gap between generic theoretical models and concepts and the analysis of trends and issues in the Portuguese and European economies based on sound economic reasoning and scientific analysis. 
2 - Students are required to be familiar with the recent evolution of the Portuguese economy and with the challenges faced by the European economic, to understand the key facts.
3 - This course examines some of the key issues in current times: economic growth and competitiveness, unemployment and financial and monetary crises and income distribution and poverty.
4 - Emphasis will be put on past recent events surrounding the Portuguese and European economy: the Portuguese sovereign debt crisis, austerity measures and the re­definition of size of government intervention; lack of competitiveness and structural imbalances: labor market, productivity, growth and budgetary deficits; overviews of the past and current trends and key events of the Portuguese and European economies; among others.


1 - Part 1­ The Portuguese economy since 1910: economic backwardness in the 20s and 30s; Portuguese and European economic growth in the inter­wars period; the long terms effects of the Estado Novo economic policy (import substitution industrialization in the 1950?; partial integration in the European framework); the Portuguese economy in the 70s and 80s (macroeconomic imbalances and IMF intervention)
2 - Part 2­ From 1985 to the present time (The European integration process and the Portuguese economic convergence within the European Union; monetary integration the Creation of the Euro)
3 - Part 3­-The European Union: An Ongoing Process of Integration, globalization and challenges ahead.


Lopes, J. , A Economia Portuguesa desde 1960 , Gradiva
Mateus, A. , Economia Portuguesa ? Crescimento no contexto internacional , Verbo Editora
Lains, P., Silva, A. , História Económica de Portugal , ver Biblioteca da Uma
Maria Leonor Freira Costa; Pedro Lains; susana Münch Miranda , História Económica de  Portugal: 1143­-2010 , Esfera dos Livros

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Syllabus is covered in theoretical practical (by analysing and discussing the key theoretical concepts and adopting student centred classes focused in offering students the opportunity to practice what they are learning in terms of analytical tools, methods and concepts) classes. 2 written tests (50%+25% assesses students' knowledge + an essay (25%) will be considered. The lowest grade is 6. Student are urged to develop their skills and their research abilities through reading. Students are encouraged to participate in problem solving exercises intended to increase their competences in applying concepts + analytical skills. Case study analysis (based on relevant legislation, press releases, studies and reports in regional development policies) is adopted in every topic. Resit: 100% of the syllabus (if students haven?t passed during midterm period), or exam with part of the syllabus (if the student has not passed 1 element of the evaluation).