Subject: Education for Health

Scientific Area:



43 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - To identify the measures promoting health literacy for the educational community: health education.
2 - To characterise the health needs of the school-age child based on the factors underlying health, both individually and collectively.
3 - To characterise immediate intervention measures in the event of an accident and or sudden illness: the basic life support and first aid.


0 - Linking health to development and educational contexts.
1 - The concepts inherent to Health
1.1 - Evolution of the concept of Health.
1.2 - Health Promotion.
1.3 - Disease prevention.
1.4 - Health Education.
1.5 - Health Literacy.
2 - Health throughout the life cycle.
2.1 - Human Needs and their satisfaction.
2.2 - The health-disease processes.
2.3 - Functional alterations of the organism: Child; Young; Adult; Elderly.
2.4 - Mental Health and prevention of mental disorders.
2.4.1 - Violence Prevention.
3 - The Determinants of Health.
3.1 - Genetics; Environment; Lifestyles and Health Services.
3.2 - Health Inequalities.
3.3 - Health Promotion; Disease prevention and quality of life.
3.4 - Food Education: Healthy eating and eating disorders.
3.5 - Physical activity and sedentary behaviour.
4 - Health Promotion Planning.
4.1 - Planning models in Health Promotion.
4.2 - Health Promotion Policies.
4.3 - National Health Plan.
5 - Education and Health.
5.1 - The health promoting school.
5.2 - Health Literacy Promotion Program.
5.3 - Health communication strategies.
5.4 - Community Empowerment for Health Promotion. empowerment of individuals; of Groups and Communities.
6 - First Aid Principles.
6.1 - The Integrated System of Medical Emergency.
6.2 - First Aid.
6.3 - Trauma Emergencies: Soft Tissues; fractures; TVM ? Vertebrospinal Trauma; TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury.
6.4 - Medical Emergencies: Stroke; Acute myocardial infarction; Diabetes; Convulsions.
6.5 - Basic Life Support.
6.5.1 - Adult BLS Algorithm.
6.5.2 - Pediatric BLS Algorithm.
6.5.3 - Lateral Safety Position.
6.5.4 - Clearance of the Airway.


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Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The curricular unit is developed through theoretical/practical lectures resorting to the expository-participatory and demonstrative methods where, in addition to the exposition of the subject addressed previously, group work will be done in order to promote the group participation and reflection. The evaluation model will be the B, encompassing two elements (frequency and work) with a weight of 50% each. The minimum grade, in each of the evaluation elements, is 9.5 values, and any of them can be recovered on appeal period.