Subject: Introduction to Professional Practice VI

Scientific Area:

Initiation to Professional Practice


43 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

It is expected that at the end of this UC the student will be able to:

1. Recognize the educational potential of non-formal education contexts;
2. Understand the differences between non-formal and formal learning contexts;
3. Understand the nature of non-formal learning;
4. Relate the concepts of non-formal learning and permanent education;
5. Reflect on teaching / learning strategies / activities in non-formal education contexts;
6. Act, with supervision, in real contexts of non-formal learning (educational services of municipalities, libraries, museums; civic, social and cultural associations, ONG's, among others).
7. Perspect non-formal contexts as inspiring the redesign of formal educational contexts.
8. Know / perceive the evolution of the concept of education throughout life.
9. Understand the relationship between non-formal education and citizenship.
10. Know and identify non-formal education practices.
11. Know and distinguish formal, non-formal and informal education.
12. Collaborate in the planning and design of non-formal educational activities.
13. Know how to analyze the evolution of perspectives and learning through non-formal education, understanding them.
14. To know how to present an idea, an opinion, an argument orally in the field of non-formal education.


1 - Concepts of formal and non-formal education;  
2 - Core competencies to develop an amount of compulsory education;
3 - Cultural foundations of learning;
4 - Non-formal learning contexts and their educational potential;
5 - Organization and functioning of the institutions that promote non-formal pedagogical courses;
6 - Planning, conducting and evaluating educational activities / projects in non-formal learning contexts;
7 - Construction of non-formal educational paths;
8 - Critical reflection on non-formalized educational practices in different educational contexts


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Ávila, Patrícia (2008). A Literacia dos Adultos. Competências-Chave na Sociedade do Conhecimento. Celta Editora.

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Santos, N. (1999). Educação e aprendizagem de adultos: Desafios da auto-aprendizagem. In Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia, Ano XXXI ? 1, pp. 45-66. Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação.

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Sarramona, J., Vázquez, G. & Colom, A. (1998). Educación no formal. Ariel.

Vercelli, L. (2013). Educação não formal. Campos de atuação. Paco.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

The evaluation of the UC will be of a continuous nature, and will take into account the evaluation units successfully carried out, based on the following activities:


- Relevant interventions in classes; - Autonomous research and reflective analysis of the syllabus;

- Individual written work to assess knowledge (written test).

In Group

- Delivery, presentation and oral defense of an e-portfolio on the learning acquired in this UC in the context of an internship, including an individual written critical reflection.

Approval in this UC corresponds to the arithmetic average of the different assessment units, namely:

-Relevant participation in classes and debates, as well as carrying out autonomous work

- 10% -Group work (peer e-portfolio) - 50%

-Individual written work - 40%

The adoption of a continuous assessment process and the theoretical and practical nature of the UC implies the attendance of a high percentage of classes (three quarters, ie 75%), without which the student's approval is compromised.

Students in special situations, duly substantiated, must agree with the UC teacher, an assessment suitable for their respective situations, right at the beginning of the semester and must also fulfill the requirements set out in the Regulation for the Assessment of Learning for UMa Students. Any of the assessment elements must be carried out by the successful students during the 2nd Semester, and, in the case of individual written work, it must obtain at least 9.5 v., otherwise, the student will be evaluated by exam at the time. assessment supplement. In this case, the assessment units carried out on a continuous basis successfully (9.5 v. minimum) are integrated into the assessment process by examination, with a weighting not exceeding 50%.

The group work will be accompanied in tutorial sessions by the teacher, whose schedule will be scheduled on a case-by-case basis.