Subject: Sports Activities Sistematics

Scientific Area:

Sport Sciences


80 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Encourage an approach to knowledge within a structured framework supported by a scientific knowledge and consistent with a rupture in the past with a dominance of empiricism or logical empiricism
2 - Mastering an understanding of sports from a broad perspective without being locked into closed frames or specific sports considered
3 - Mastering the use of a taxonomy, the necessary tools and appropriate nomenclature
4 - Develop the ability to perform analysis of situations and case studies in the management of sport.


1 - Systematics and The Systematic of Sports.
2 - Correlation of the concepts of Human - Society - Sports.
3 - The classification scheme of physical activities of Pierre Parlebas.
4 - The Classification System of Motor Tasks Jean Pierre Famose.
5 - The taxonomy of Fernando Almada.
5.1 - Study of the Sports Models of: the Great Outdoors Sports, the Direct Confrontation Sports, Team Sports, the Environment Adaptation Sports, the Combat Sports and Individual Sports.
5.2 - Instruments (conceptual and material), namely: Perspective static / dynamic; Consumer / Producer, Earnings / income; Command / Management, Growth / Development; Objectives immediate / mediate; Capital; mechanical factors; Prospective, nomenclature and terminology, etc.
5.3 - Use of instruments previously studied in the analysis of situations.
5.4 - Case studies in integrated models of sport.


Almada, Fernando, Lopes, Vicente & Vitória , 2008 , A Rotura: Estratégias de Operacionalização , Torres Novas: Edições VML
Almada , 1995 , Culpa não é do Desporto. , Lisboa: Edições FMH
Almada , 1999 , Para uma Sistemática da Motricidade Humana. In O Sentido e a Acção , Lisboa: Instituto Piaget
Almada, Monteiro & Lopes , 2001 , A Sistemática das Actividades Desportiva , Real: Universidade de Trásos- Montes e Alto Douro.
Famose , 1990 , Apprentissage Moteur et Difficulte de la Tâche , Paris: INESP ?Publications
Parlebas , 1981 , Contribution a un Lexique commenté en science de l`action motrice , Paris, EPS-Publications
Rodrigues , 1987 , Análise da Tarefa Motora a Recepção do serviço em Voleibol, , Ludens
Kuhn , 1997 , Estrutura das Revoluções Científicas , São Paulo: Editora Perspectiva
Peixoto , 2002 , A Classificação e a ciência , Ludens
Sérgio , 1999 , Um Corte Epistemológico - Da educação física à motricidade humana , Lisboa: Instituto Piaget

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The methods used are the oral discussions with the various subjects covered, the application of concepts to situations of analysis, problem solving applied to different situations and case studies. The evaluation is performed through a written test (40%), the preparation of a work of applying the taxonomy to concrete situations of sport and its analysis (30%), the performance of a laboratory work applied to a defined situation (30%) and through work and interventions in the classroom.