Subject: Practical Studies II - Football

Scientific Area:

Sport Sciences


48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - To know the different phases of football's history and the modality's main organs and regulations.
2 - Understand and identify the simultaneous existence of cooperation and opposition in the game, and the need for permanent coordination of actions between players in a context of great complexity.
3 - Understand and master game's tactical organization, based on the specific principles that guide the actions of the players and the team throughout the phases and moments of the game: defense, attack and transitions.
4 - To know and identify the game's tactical problems and the tactical and technical actions with and without emerging ball.
5 - Describe and characterize the teams's organizational dynamics, supported by the attribution of specialized individual tactical missions.
6 - Understand and master the basic models of action in the training process, which derive from the typical characteristics and constraints of the soccer game in what refers to the content, the guiding principles and its rules of action.


1 - History and rules of Football game
2 - Football organizations, laws and regulations
3 - The organization of the game: a dynamic approach to tactical-technical action
3.1 - The evolution of the game and the Football player
4 - Stages and moments of the football game
5 - Principles of offensive and defensive play: the concept of functional structural unity
6 - Characterization of the tactical-technical behaviours in the football game due to the following tactical problems: (1) offensive: keep possession of ball; progress and attack beacon; create space in attack, and use space in attack; and (2) defensive: defending space; defend the goal and gain possession of the ball
7 - Offensive and defensive tactics
8 - Game offensive and defensive methods and styles
8.1 - Game Functional Structures ("systems")
9 - Objectives, contents and methodology of tactical-technical training
9.1 - Structural and functional constraints of game learning situations


Bayer, C , 1994 , O ensino dos desportos colectivos , Lisboa: DINALIVRO
Bota, I., & Colibaba-Evulet, D , 2001 , Jogos Desportivos Colectivos- Teoria e Metodologia , Lisboa: Instituto Piaget
Fonseca, H & Garganta, J. , 2006 , Futebol de rua: um Beco com Saída. Do jogo espontâneo à prática deliberada , Edição-Visão e contextos
Castelo, J. , 1996 , Futebol ? A Organização do Jogo , Edição de Autor. Lisboa
Garganta, J.; Pinto, J. , 1994 , O ensino do Futebol , CEJD/FCDEF-UP.
Mitchel, S.., Oslin, L.J & Griffin, LL , 2013 , Teaching sport concepts and skills. A tactical games approaches for ages 7to 18 , Human Kinetics
Garganta, J., Silva, P., , 2000 , O jogo de futebol: entre o caos e a regra , Revista Horizonte, XVI (91):
Tavares, F. , 2015 , Jogos Desportivos coletivos: ensinar a jogar 2ªedição , FADEUP
Garganta, J., , 2001 , A análise da performance nos jogos desportivos. Revisão acerca da análise do jogo , Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto
Garganta, J. , 2006 , Ideias e competências para ?pilotar? o jogo de Futebol , Pedagogia do Desporto
Federação Portuguesa de Futebol , 2018 , Leis do jogo (2017-2018) , 1. Federação Portuguesa de Futebol
Araújo D. , 2004 , O Contexto da Decisão. A Acão Tática no Desporto , Visão e contextos
Gréhaigne, J.F. , 1992 , L´Organisation du jeu en football , Editions Actio. Joinville-le-Pont
Queiroz, C. , 1983 , Para uma teoria do Ensino/Treino do Futebol , Ludens, 8:1 (4ª série)

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
1. Exposition of the information of the contents with possibility of intervention and clarification of doubts. 2. Development of additional readings on content as a way of deepening knowledge. 3. Assessment of knowledge through 1 test (50%), being required the minimum grade of 9.5 values to be proficient, being able to go the resource assessment. 4. Active participation of the students in the classes (10% of the final grade), evaluated through work sheets, therefore, a minimum attendance of 75% of the classes is required. 5. Achievement of a group work (40%) on a theme of the program that involves research and structuring of knowledge, observation, collection, interpretation of data and critical reflection. In this are encouraged and trained work skills and cooperation among colleagues, oral communication and writing report production.