Subject: Nursing II - Nursing for the Older People

Scientific Area:



48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - To acquire knowledge about the processes of differentiation/evolutionary (bio-psycho-social and spiritual) inherent to aging and their impact on the human needs of care.
2 - To understand the need to adapt nursing care to the singularities of the elderly person.
3 - To learn how to care for the elderly by helping them to develop their health project and/or to respond to and deal with changes resulting from disease processes.
4 - To acquire relational and technical skills that enable a personalized and quality care for the elderly and their caregivers.


1 - The aging process and theoretical perspectives.
2 - Bio-psycho-social-cultural and spiritual implications.
2.1. - Stereotypes and prejudices.
3 - Social, health and community resources policies.
4 - Promoting healthy aging and preventing change.
5 - Autonomy and empowerment.
6 - Intervention of the nurse in the continuous independence-dependency aiming at the better quality of life.
7 - Transitions associated with aging.
7.1. - Evidence-based nursing intervention - transitions theory.
8 - Prevalent disease processes.
8.1. - Dealing with changes caused by chronic illness - nurses' intervention.
8.2 - Humanization of institutions.
8.3 - Caring for the person in the home and support for caregivers.
9 - Prevention of complications, accidents, violence and maltreatment.
10 - Dignification of the end of life and support in mourning.
11 - Elderly care - integrated and ongoing.
12 - The nurse and the care team.
13 - Rights of the elderly and ethical issues linked to aging.


Ash, A. , 2014 , Safeguarding older People from Abuse. , Policy Press
Fonseca, A. , 2014 , Envelhecimento, Saúde e Doença. Novos Desafios para a Prestação de Cuidados a Idosos. , Coisas de Ler.
Martins, T., Araújo, M. F., Peixoto, M. J. & Machado, P. P. , 2016 , A Pessoa Dependente e o familiar Cuidador. , Enfermagem Porto
Phaneuf, M. , 2010 , Envelhecimento perturbado. A doença de Alzheimer. , Lusodidata
Ribeiro, O. & Paúl, C. , 2011 , Manual de envelhecimento ativo , Lidel
Sequeira, C. , 2010 , Cuidar de Idosos com Dependência Física e Mental , Lidel

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Expositive and participatory methodology. Presentation to analyse real situations (cases) in order to identify relevant foci for the nursing intervention. Shared analysis with teacher orientation on personal and environmental factors present and mobilizable for the nursing intervention. Analysis of scenarios and situations in subgroups valuing the associated learning potential. Shared planning of the implementation of some stages of the Nursing Process. Practical exercises for the acquisition of instrumental skills and essential techniques. Evaluation: Model B according to RAAAUMa. Two elements: One test and one subgroup work (case analysis/intervention planning). Each element weighs 50% in the classification. Minimum mark is 9.5 val. Possibility of recovery in the time of appeal and / or special of each of the components or both; for improvement, the evaluation will focus on the whole matter.