Subject: Nursing V - Nursing to the Person in Disease Processes II

Scientific Area:



96 Hours

Number of ECTS:

6,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Describe the care of the person with process of illness of the medical-surgical forum of the systems: cardiovascular; integumentary; secretory and metabolic; musculoskeletal and movement and nervous.
2 - Describe the care of the person subjected to surgical intervention and in critical situation.
3 - Identify nursing focuses in the person with changes in the level of the various body systems and the surgical forum.
4 - Describe nursing diagnoses in the person / family / caregiver, in medical-surgical disease processes.
5 - Describe nursing interventions, autonomous and interdependent, in the person with medical-surgical affection who needs nursing care.
6 - Develop skills / capacities in the field of instrumental and relational interventions within the nursing process.
7 - Perform in a simulation environment, procedures and techniques of nursing, applying the scientific principles.


1 - The person with changes in body processes: cardiovascular; integumentary; secretory and metabolic; musculoskeletal and movement and nervous.
2 - Basic life support and external automatic defibrillation.
3 - Perioperative nursing: Concepts, evolution and practice; The perioperative and surgical environment; Factors that influence the adaptation to surgery; Organization of perioperative care; Safety precautions; Infection control and surgical asepsis; Caring for the person in the surgical experience: pre, intra and postoperative; wound care.
4 - Nursing, new technologies and trends in surgery: Laparoscopic surgery; of ambulatory and surgical specificities.
5 - Techniques and procedures of nursing related to the care of the person in process of disease and submitted to the surgery.
6 - Training of nursing related techniques and procedures person in process of illness / surgery.


Adminstração Central do Serviço de Saúde , 2011 , Manual de normas de enfermagem: procedimentos técnicos. , Ministério da Saúde
Wilma J. P., Judith K. S., Jane F. M . , 2003 , Enfermagem médico-cirúrgica: Conceitos e prática clínica. (4 Vol). , Lusociência.
Cruz, A. , 2009 , Enfermagem em ortotraumatologia , Formasau
Internacional Council of Nurses , 2015 , Classificação internacional para a prática de enfermagem , Internacional Council of Nurses/ Ordem dos Enfermeiros
Monahan, F.D., Sands, J.K., Neighbors, M., Marek, J.F., & Greeen, C.J. , 2011 , Enfermagem médico cirúrgica- perspetivas de saúde e doença , Lusodidata
Padilha, M. et al , 2001 , Enfermagem em neurologia , Formasau
Potter, P. A., & Perry , A. G. , 2006 , Fundamentos de Enfermagem: Conceitos e Procedimentos , Lusociência
Roterock, J . , 2008 , Cuidados de Enfermagem ao paciente cirúrgico , Lusodidacta.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
In the theoretical teaching will be used the expository, interactive method and oriented study; in theoretical-practical teaching the demonstrative method will be privileged (all the procedures that the student will experience in laboratory practices will be shown), the discussion of nursing cases/processes, the visualization and analysis of films and study visits; In the laboratory practices will be used the demonstration and execution by the students of the procedures and techniques regarding the resolution of clinical scenarios in a simulation environment. Evaluation: model B of the RAAUMa: 3 evaluation elements: 1 frequency (40%); 1 work of synthesis (30%) and 1 practical test (30%). The approval of the UC implies approval in all components (minimum 9.5 val) and requires the presence in 75% of the contact hours. There is recovery in times of appeal. The final classification, quantitative, is expressed on the scale of 0 to 20 values.