Subject: Internship I Clinical Practice for the Elderly

Scientific Area:



175 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Caring for the elderly.
2 - To plan, execute nursing interventions and evaluate results to elderly people using the nursing process as a scientific work methodology and the taxonomy of the International Classification for Nursing Practice (CIPE) and mobilizing theoretical and theoretical-practical contents capable of supporting the care process.


1 - Provision of nursing care to the elderly as a human being in transition interacting with the environment, which seeks the well-being and independence in meeting basic needs, whether they feel healthy or when they experience disease processes.
2 - Planning, execution and evaluation of nursing interventions for the elderly using the nursing process as a scientific work methodology and the taxonomy of the International Classification for Nursing Practice (CIPE).
3 - Mobilization of theoretical and practical-theoretical contents capable of supporting the process of caring for the elderly, as a human being in transition interacting with the environment, who seeks well-being and independence in meeting basic needs, whether they feel healthy or when they experience disease processes.


Adminstração Central do Serviço de Saúde. , 2011 , Manual de Normas de Enfermagem. , Ministério da Saúde.
Brendan, M.C. , 2010 , Developing person-centred practice: nursing outcomes arising from changes to the care environment in residential settings for older people. , Int J Older People Nursing
Bolander, V. E. , 1998 , Enfermagem Fundamental. , Lusodidacta
Conselho Internacional de Enfermagem , 2015 , Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem. , Ordem dos Enfermeiros
Elkin, M. K., Perry, A. G. & Potter, P. A. , 2005 , Intervenções de enfermagem e procedimentos clínicos. , Lusociência.
Fischbach, F. T. & Dunning, M. B. , 2010 , Manual de enfermagem-exames laboratoriais e diagnósticos. , Guanabara Koogan
Marques, P. , 2012 , O doente idoso com confusão e a acção de enfermagem , Lusodidacta
WHO , 2007 , People-centered health care: a policy framework. , WHO
Schaffler, A. & Menche, N. , 2004 , Medicina interna e cuidados de enfermagem. , Lusociência

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The student under the supervision of nurses supervising the practice and supervision of the school teacher, plans, executes and evaluates nursing interventions to the elderly Other methodologies used are portfolios, discussion of clinical cases, presentation of results of bibliographic reviews and reflections about the practice in the group. The practice nurse supervisor is responsible for the direct orientation and evaluation of the practical performance of the student. The teacher is responsible for supervision and pedagogical guidance, being responsible for ensuring the fulfillment of the objectives and the development of strategies that respect the pace of student learning. It is also the responsibility of the teacher the final evaluation of the student and clinical teaching. Evaluation: Portfolio (25%); case study/nursing process (25%); clinical practice (50%) - continuous evaluation. These evaluation elements are not recoverable at the appeal/improvement or special periods.