Subject: Nursing VIII - Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing

Scientific Area:



48 Hours

Number of ECTS:

4,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - To know the factors and circumstances associated to the adaptation/maladjustment of the person to the contingencies of life, relating them to health/mental illness.
2 - Understand the subjunctive problem of the person who is mentally ill by contextualizing it in different meaningful systems.
3 - To acquire cognitive, technical and relational skills for the nursing intervention at the three levels of prevention.
4 - To know the various community structures aimed at supporting the person with psychopathological disorders.
5 - To identify different intervention methodologies in the mental health of the communities.


1 - Strategic orientations for mental health: WHO, European, National and Regional.
2 - Models and typologies of intervention: promotion of mental health and prevention of disease in the life cycle.
3 - Adaptation/maladaptation and mental health: Suart model.
4 - Crisis theory.
5 - Intervention in the face of loss and mourning.
6 - Nursing intervention in the person with mental illness. Contexts, therapeutic environment, methodology and therapeutic techniques. Mental state assessment. The family and the social support network.
7 - The rights of the person with mental illness.
8 - The help relationship
9 - The care team.
10 - Nursing intervention in specific situations to be determined (eg, child, adolescent, elderly).


Amaral, A. C. , 2010 , Prescrições de Enfermagem em Saúde Mental mediante a CIPE. , Lusociência
Chalifour, J. , 2009 , A Intervenção Terapêutica. Estratégias de Intervenção. , Lusodidata
Fazenda, I. , 2008 , O puzzle desmanchado: saúde mental, contexto social, reabilitação e cidadania. , Climepsi
Filho, H. C.; Borges, C. F.; Frasquilho, M. A. , 2008 , Organização de intervenções preventivas. , Coisas de Ler
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian - WHO , 2017 , Policy Options on Mental Health. , , Dezembro 2017.
Sequeira, C. , 2016 , Comunicação Clínica e Relação de Ajuda. , Lidel
Towsend, M.C. , 2011 , Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing , F. A. Davis Company.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Expositive methodology in parallel to the use of participatory and dynamic methods that mobilize students for learning. Use of techniques such as brainstorming; Seminar work in subgroup with tutorial orientation. Case analysis; debate of ideas and encouragement to critical reflection in group. Conducting group dynamics to strengthen competencies for interaction and proactive teamwork. Possibility of dramatizations/simulations followed by debriefing. Autoscopy. Encouraging further research on issues related to mental health nursing and psychiatric care. Evaluation methodology: Model A according to RAAAUMa. Two elements: individual frequency whose weighting will be 50% and work in subgroup (versus individual) with oral presentation/discussion with 50% weighting for UC. Minimum mark in each element: 9,5Valores.The two elements are recoverable at the time of appeal/improvement or special, according to the status of the student.