Subject: Classical Language A2.1 Latin

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - To consolidate the knowledge of Latin Language and Culture, as matricial elements, in order to recognize continuity patterns between the Latin and the Western cultures.
2 - To recognize, through the study of the basic grammatical structures of the Latin language, the influence of this last one in the Portuguese language.
3 - To develop communication skills, both oral and written, in the Latin and Portuguese languages.
4 - To understand the Latin language, in its phonological, morphological, syntactic and lexical components, in order to allow the contact with a medium difficulty text written in this language.


1 - Morphosyntactic analysis of a collection of Latin texts (e.g.: sententiae and epitaphs, texts of the Vulgate, the Apocryphal Gospels).
2 - Verbal morphology: the infinitive and participle; the subjunctive; irregular verbs (systematization).
3. - Nominal morphology (consolidation of knowledge); nouns in -e and in -u theme; adjectives of the 2nd class; the degree of adjectives.
4 - Pronominal morphology: consolidation of knowledge.
5 - Syntax: circumstantial supplements; the passive voice; the periphrastic conjugation; the subordinate clause: infinitive and indirect statement clauses; circumstantial clauses (temporal, conditional, causal, final).
6 - Lexicology and semantics (consolidation of knowledge): Latin lexicon structure (derivation and composition, word families); phonetic and semantic evolution from Latin to Portuguese.
7 - The expansion of the Roman Empire and Romanization.


M. A. ALMENDRA, J. N. FIGUEIREDO , 1997 , Compêndio de Gramática Latina , Porto Editora
P. BOUET, D. CONSO & F. KERLOUEGAN , 1975 , Initiation au Système de la Langue Latine , Nathan
A. ERNOUT , 1954 , Aspects du Vocabulaire Latin , Klincksieck
C. A. LOURO da FONSECA , 2000 , Sic Itur in Vrbem: Iniciação ao Latim , Instituto de Estudos Clássicos
A. FREIRE , 1992 , Gramática Latina , Livraria Apostolado da Imprensa
F. GAFFIOT , 1995 , Dictionnaire Latin - Français , Librairie Hachette
M. de GIVE , 1992 , Grammaire Latine , Dessain
T. LEWIS & Ch. SHORT , 1996 , A Latin Dictionary , Clarendon Press
P. MONTEIL , 1986 , Éléments de Phonétique et de Morphologie du Latin , Nathan
L. R. PALMER , 1961 , The Latin Language , Faber & Faber
P. G. W. GLARE , 1997 , Oxford Latin Dictionary , Clarendon Press
A. ERNOUT , 1989 , Morphologie Historique du Latin , Klincksieck

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching of this course assumes, in theory classes, the expositive method, complemented, in theoretical and practical classes by the work of the students. At first, the theoretical contents are exposed and briefly commented, using support materials. Subsequently, this exhibition is complemented by practical exercises aiming at consolidating the subjects learned knowledge (for instance, in morphology and syntax of the Latin Language). In order to develop a whole range of skills (in areas such as morphology, syntax, semantics, etc.), students are led to recapitulate and dynamically relate the theoretical contents with each other through the practice of reading, analysis and translation of Latin texts. The assessment of the students' learning process, in Classical Language A2.1 Latin, regarding the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills, in what concerns both theoretical and practical components, is performed by: two written tests (45%+45%) and a research paper (10%).

Subject Leader:

Telmo Corujo dos Reis