Subject: Introduction to Tourism Management

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - The objective of the curricular unit is to make known Tourism as a socio-economic activity, identifying the fundamental concepts associated with this area of knowledge, namely the elements of evaluation of the tourist system and its interactions with other systems in its environment.
2 - The tourist behavior model is analyzed in the process of choosing the tourist destination, the communication strategies in the tourist sector, and the dynamic pricing policies; as well as the formation of the tourist image and personality of a tourist destination.


1 - The Tourism sector: concepts; actors; Tendencies. - Transport; Accommodation; Restoration; Operators and travel agencies.
2 - The concept of management - Science and business. - The organization of resources.
3 - The products, concepts and innovations. - Tourist destinations; The places of culture and leisure; The events. - Ethical tourism; sustainable development; the products under development.
4 - The interactions of the Tourist system.
5 - The elements of evaluation of Tourism. Indicators of the tourist industry; statistical sources; the EuroStat; market research methods; the method of collection in the studies.
6 - The tourist in the process of choosing the destination.
7 - Pricing policy.
8 - The construction of the tourist image.
9 - The evaluation of the image and personality of the destination.
10 - Communication strategies in the tourism sector.


Cunha, L. , 2013 , Introdução ao Turismo (5.ª ed.) , Lidel: Lisboa
C, Cooper, J. Fletcher, A. Fyall, D. Gilbert, S. Wanhill , 2006 , Tourism: Principles And Practice 3rd Edition , Financial Times Management
C. Holloway,, R. Davidson, C. Humphreys , 1994 , The Business of Tourism (8th Edition) , Financial Times Management
L: Cunha, A. Abrantes , 2013 , Introdução ao Turismo. .()% Ed. , Lidel

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The evaluation proposal - 1st moment - a written test (50% of the final classification), - 2nd moment - a group work (50% of the final classification). The groups are made up of four students, who will propose a theme that fits into the syllabus of the curricular unit, on which they should research bibliography and eventually use other sources of information; The result of the practical work is the production of a text with a maximum of 25 A4 pages (excluding annexes), which will be presented by the group members; Tutorial support is provided during student service hours, and in theoretical-practical classes dedicated to the discussion of the work.