Subject: German-speaking Cultures

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Problematize the concept of national culture
2 - Understand the current cultural diversity in the German language
3 - Identify, distinguish and interpret German-speaking cultural movements and currents in their historical contexts
4 - Interrelate the social, political and cultural dimensions in the processes of construction of national identities
5 - Develop the ability to interpret literary, film and other artifacts from the German-speaking area


1 - Based on the interpretation of texts, from literary to journalistic, from visual arts to cinema, from academic to political, related to cultural aspects of the German-speaking countries, this course unit:
1.1 - questions the concept of national culture;
1.2 - how it has been constructed and interpreted historically;
1.3 - and what challenges it poses to today's societies in the face of its sociocultural diversity.
2 - The artefacts worked on in the curricular unit:
2.1 - articulate contemporary debates with those of the past;
2.2 - and promote a panoramic view of the impact of German-speaking culture in Europe and the world, throughout history and up to the present day.


BENJAMIN, Walter: , 1992 , Sobre Arte, Técnica, Linguagem e Política , Lisboa, Relógio D'Água
OPITZ, Alfred , 1998 , Sociedade e Cultura Alemãs , Lisboa
SCHEIDL, Ludwig, Melo, Idalina Aguiar de, Ribeiro, António Sousa , 1996 , Dois Séculos de História Alemã (Política, Sociedade, Cultura). ,
BEUTIN, Wolfgang (et al.) , 1994 , História da Literatura Alemã. Das Origens à Actualidade , Edições Cosmos, Lisboa.
DIRLMEIER, Ulf et al. (Ed.) , 2014 , História Alemã do século VI aos nossos dias , Edições 70
ADORNO, Theodor , 2003 , Sobre a indústria da cultura , Angelus Novus
BARRENTO, João , 2021 , Outros tons de azul. Poesia política alemã do século XX , Outro Modo
BARRENTO, João , 1989 , Literatura Alemã. Textos e contextos (1700-1900) , Presença
BARRENTO, João , 1976 , Expressionismo Alemão. Antologia Poética , Ática
GIL, Isabel Capeloa , 2011 , Literacia visual. Estudos sobre a inquietude das imagens , Edições 70
COSTA, Fernanda Gil , 1998 , Literatura Alemã I , Universidade Aberta
RIBEIRO, António Sousa , 1999 , Literatura Alemã II , Universidade Aberta
VILAS-BOAS, Gonçalo (Coord.) , 1998 , Literatura Alemã III , Universidade Aberta

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching methodology will be diversified: expository lectures, theoretical-practical lectures, and practical classes in which groups of students lead the discussion, presenting a critical reading of a text from the bibliography provided, identifying the main issue that the text develops and its relationship with the central themes of the course unit. The UMa Student Learning Evaluation Regulation (Model B) will be in force. The assessment consists of a written exam at the end of the semester (40%), an oral presentation in class (50%), and participation in discussions (10%). It is compulsory to obtain a mark in both the written exam and the oral presentation. In the Supplementary Season (Época de Recurso), students with regular status who meet the conditions listed above may recover or improve the written exam grade. Student-workers can only recover the written exam grade in the Supplementary Season, and are required to make an oral presentation during the Regular Season.