Subject: Psychology of Motivation and Personality

Scientific Area:



56 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - To know how to define motivation and personality concepts and to understand their relevance in the behaviour regulation;
2 - To know the historical evolution of motivation and personality, as well, its evaluation methodologies and associated terminology/dimensions;
3 - To distinguish and to characterize the main personality theoretical approaches and integrate them to understand human functioning;
4 - To develop the capacity of understand, think and apply theoretical knowledge to motivation and personality domains;
5 - Develop ability to teamwork, scientific research and oral and writing communication skills.


1 - Introduction of human motivation study.
2 - Motivation theories:
2.1 - Homeostatic theories (e.g., Hull, Lewin);
2.2 - Content theories (e.g., Maslow, Herzberg);
2.3 - Expectation X Value theories (e.g., Atkinson);
2.4 - Cognitive and socio-cognitive theories (e.g., Deci & Ryan, Weiner);
2.5 - Self-theories (e.g., self-concept, self-efficacy);
2.6 - Methodologies to assess motivation;
2.7 - Theories applicability to different life contexts.
3 - Introduction to personality study:
3.1 - History and evolution;
3.2 - Definitions and terminology;
3.3 - Dimension associated to personality concept (e.g., emotion, lifespan development).
4 - Personality theories:
4.1 - Psychodynamic theories (e.g., Freud, Jung, Erikson);
4.2 - Humanistic theories (e.g., Rogers);
4.3 - Cognitive theories (e.g., Mishel, Bandura);
4.4 - Traits theories (e.g., Cattel, [Big five taxonomy]);
4.5 - Theories applicability to different life contexts.


Hansenne, M , 2003 , Psicologia da personalidade , Lisboa: CLIMEPSI
Boruchovitch, E., Almeida, L.S., & Miranda, L. , 2017 , Autorregulação da aprendizagem e psicologia positiva: Criando contextos educativos eficazes e saudáveis , Mercado das letras. Campinas, SP- Brasil
Miranda, L., Almeida, L.& Boruchovitch, E. , 2014 , Motivação para aprender: Determinantes e sua avaliação , Braga: Universidade do Minho
Corr, P.J., & Mathews, G. , 2009 , The Cambridge H andbook of Personality Psychology , New York: Cambridge University Press
Bzuneck, J. A., Boruchovich, E., Miranda, L., & Almeida, L. , 2014 , Motivação académica dos alunos , Braga: ADIPSIEDUC

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Classes will be supported in an expositive method, allied to audio-visual media (e.g., PowerPoints, videos), and it will be complemented with practical exercises (e.g., scientific paper?s analysis, case studies). It will be prioritized the active participation of students inside (through active participation to professor solicitations and practical exercises) and outside (through autonomous work) classroom. The material to support the study will be available in Infoalunos or in the library. The curricular evaluation will follow the directives proposed by Model B (cf. Regulation of the Evaluation of Student Learning of the University of Madeira), this is, at least one theoretical and theoretical-practical component (e.g., written test accounting for 50% of the final grade) and at least one practical component (e.g., group/individual work or practical reports accounting altogether for 50% of the final grade).