Subject: Shared Core I

Scientific Area:

Preentive Medicine and Social Sciences


19 Hours

Number of ECTS:

5,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:


Stimulate the student?s sensitivity and ethical reasoning, in conjunction with a more thorough humanistic training.

Social Sciences

To sensitize student?s to the plurality of various social sciences in health problems, disease, death, and socio-cultural and ethical guidelines of the medical act.

Basic life support

Raise student?s awareness to the importance of the cardio-respiratory resuscitation (CRR).

Training basic techniques of CRR.


Introduction to major issues and principles of Bioethics in its human aspects , nature bioethics and animal bioethics and their historical evolution. Interface in its expression in the social sciences.


Helga Kushe and Peter Singer A Companion to Bioethics Oxford, Blackwell Publishers,  2001; T. Beauchamp, J. Childress, Principles of Biomedical Ethics 5th edition New York, Oxford University Press, 2001; Albert R.Jonsen, Mark Siegler, William J. Winslade Clinical Ethics. A Practical Approach to Ethical Decisions in Clinical Medicine  Sixth Edition, McGrawHill, 2006;  para restante bibliografia completa consultar site da unidade curricular.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Learning evaluation

Exam with ethics and social science components.

Evaluation of Teaching:

Ethics and Social Science-theoretical evaluation, written proof

Basic life support-practical evaluation