Subject: Practice with Children and Youth

Scientific Area:

Sport Sciences


48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Promote the improvement of the training of graduates, bringing its scientific and professional qualification as part of their participation in sports training of children and young people.
2 - Empowering students for fall scientifically appropriate education, training and the preparation of children and young people in sports, both within at school as out of school.
3 - Ensure skills in management, planning and monitoring of sport for children and young people.


1 - The importance of a scientific attitude in training with children and youth
2 - Goals in sport for children and youth
3 - The pedagogical dimension of participation in sport
4 - Long-term developmental Athletes (LTDA)
4.1 - Objectives of the LTDA
4.2 - LTDA model: steps, contents and preparation of methodological guidelines
5.1 - Relationship between long-term sports preparation and competition
5.2 - The functions of competition in juvenile training
5.3 - Characteristics of stage races
6 - Development of conditional capacity and coordinative purposes
6.1 - Foundations and methodological guidelines
6.2 - Coordinative Capabilities purposes
6.3 - Speed
6.4 - Strength
6.5 - Endurance
6.6 - Flexibility
7 - detection, selection and promotion of sports talents
7.1 - The sporting talent
7.2 - The talent detection systems
8 - The Drop out and Burn out
8.1 - The various studies on the drop out and burn out
9 - The importance of observation and analysis of performance in sports training


AÑÓ, V., , 1997 , Planificación y organización del entrenamiento juvenil , Madrid, Gymnos Editorial
ERICSSON, K., KRAMPE, R., & TESCH-ROMER, C. , 1993 , The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance , Psychological Review
HANDFORD, C., DAVIDS, K., BENNETT, S., & BUTTON, C. , 1997 , Skill acquisition in sport: Some applications of an evolving practice ecology , Journal of Sports Sciences
MARTIN, L. , 1993 , Coaching Children in Sport. Principles and Practice , London, E&FN SPON
MARQUES, A. , 1997 , A preparação desportiva de crianças e jovens. O sistema de competições. In, Guedes, O. Atividade Fís , Editora Ideia, João Pessoa,
Balyi, I. , 1999 , Long-term Planning of Athlete Development, Multiple Periodisation, Modeling and Normative Data , TheUK?s Quarterly Coaching Magazine

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
n addition to the oral presentation of the teaching staff, also used the methodology of work, presentations and discussion sessions with students. The syllabus are covered in theoretical sessions, practical and theoretical, laboratory practice with possibility of intervention and clarification of questions students. It encouraged the active participation of the student, either through additional readings and presentations of summaries, both through the timely and appropriate intervention classes. On the evaluation of student learning are considered: two assessment tests of knowledge (50%); a work application, aiming to the design and development of the training process, one centered on a sport an age, subject to presentation and discussion (50%), in a process that extends along the lessons and that begins with the presentation of a project.