Subject: Autonomy, subsidiarity and periphery

Scientific Area:

Educational Sciences


27 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Conceptualize autonomy, regional autonomy and local autonomy in the light of the European dimension;
2 - Analyze the tensions between the center and the periphery in the light of post-colonial theories;
3 - Understand the implications of the subsidiarity principle in the regulation of the right to participate;
4 - Relate the principle of subsidiarity with the concepts of autonomy and empowerment;
5 - Relate the principle of subsidiarity with the duty of collaboration between public authorities and the population;
6 - Relate the principle of subsidiarity with the duty of public authorities to provide external assistance;
7 - Perspect the members of the community as the first agents of their development;
8 - Perspect the exercise of autonomy as self-directed cooperation, based on common effort and self-help.


1 - Concepts of national autonomy, regional autonomy and local autonomy, in the light of the European dimension;
2 - Tension and relationship between the center and the periphery in the light of post-colonial theories;
3 - The principle of subsidiarity and the right to participate;
4 - Participation, autonomy and empowerment (the participation of populations in the design and execution of programs);
5 - The duty of collaboration between public authorities and the population, as an indispensable condition;
6 - The duty of public authorities to provide external assistance (financial, technical and material means);
7 - Community members as (real) agents of their development;
8 - Self-direction, self-effort, self-help and cooperative work.


Altbach, P. G , 2003 , Education and Neocolonialism , Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Althusser, L. , 1983 , Aparelhos ideológicos de Estado , Graal.
Ashcroft, B., Griffiths, G. & Tiffin, H. , 2013 , Postcolonial Studies. The key Concepts , Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Foucault, M. , 1980 , Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and other Writings 1972?1977 , Pantheon.
Freire, P. , 1996 , Pedagogia da Autonomia - Saberes Necessários à Prática Educativa , Editora Paz e Terra.
Roughneen, D. , 2017 , Humanitarian subsidiarity: a new principle. , Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Valente, I. M. F. ( , 2017 , Europa, Atlântico e o Mundo: mobilidades, crises, dinâmicas culturais: pensar com Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro. , Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
In addition to the theoretical exposition and clarification of concepts by the teacher, using multimedia resources, the class also deals with the reading of texts followed by discussion in pairs, group and plenary. Large readings take place outside the classroom sessions. The curricular unit includes a practical component in which the postgraduate students, individually or organized in groups, collect and organize relevant information on the topics under study. For the evaluation is taken into account the level of participation of each in the classroom activities (50%) and the organization, presentation and discussion of an individual portfolio that collects and organizes information selected (50%).