Subject: Urban Hydraulics

Scientific Area:

Civil Engineering


80 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

O1 - Needs Assessment of water and treatment of wastewater.
O2 - Provide students with the skills to design, analyze and scale infrastructures Urban Hydraulics integrating the dimensions of sustainability.
O3 - Develop soft skills, particularly as regards the preparation and presentation of technical reports for projects.


C1 - Introduction to Urban Hydraulics.
C2 - Review of the Fundamentals of Hydrodynamics.
C3 - Basis of Design of Urban Hydraulics Systems.
C4 - Sizing Systems for Water Supply.
C5 - Scaling of Drainage Systems.
C6 - Environmental Impacts of Infrastructure Sanitation.


Lencastre, A. , 1983 , Hidráulica Geral , Hidroprojecto
BARBOSA, N. J. , 1998 , Apontamentos de hidráulica aplicada , FEUP
DUPONT , 1974 , Hydraulique urbaine , Eyrolles
MACINTYRE, A. J. , 1996 , Bombas e Instalações de Bombeamento , Guanabara
STEPHENSON, D. , 1984 , Developments in Water Science , Elsevier Scientific Publishing
STEPHENSON, D. , 1976 , Pipeline design for water engineers , Elsevier Scientific Publishing
REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA , 1995 , Regulamento Geral dos Sistemas Públicos e Prediais de Distribuição de Água e de Drenagem de Águas Re ,
CHOW, V.T., MAIDMENT, D., Mays, L.W. , 1988 , Applied Hydrology , McGraw-Hill
Marques, J., Sousa, J. , 2011 , Hidráulica Urbana: sistemas de abastecimento de água e de drenagem de águas residuais. , Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Almeida, A.B., Koelle, E. , 1992 , Fluid Transients in Pipe Networks , Elsevier
Almeida, A.B., Martins, C.C. , 1994 , Controlo Hidráulico - Operacional de Sistemas Adutores , EPAL
Chaudhry, M. , 1987 , Applied Hydraulic Transients, 2nd Edition , Van Nostrand Reinhold
Metcalf & Eddy , 2003 , Wastewater Engineering. Treatment and Reuse, 4th Edition ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Apr / Rep

Evaluation Methodology:
Mini-Tests: aim to assess theoretical knowledge, practical and theoretical-practical. This way the student can, throughout the semester, evaluate their performance and change strategies if necessary. ? (2,5% + 2,5% = 5,0%) Work: The work is assessed per report, presentation or discussion. Allows students to develop writing skills, presentation of results, develop oral communication skills and teamwork. ? (25,0%) Frequencies/Exams: aim to periodically evaluate the knowledge acquired by students, including the ability to integrate different content in a holistic way. ? (35,0% + 35,0% = 70,0%) In the Resort Season and Special Season, the exam is worth 70% of the final evaluation, ie only the frequency is recoverable. The parts of the evaluation corresponding to the work and the mini-tests are not recoverable.