Subject: Didactics of Mathematics III

Scientific Area:



75 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1. - Being aware of aspects related to students' evaluation, analysing: -tests and limits of such resources of evaluation; -other forms and tools; -the relationship between the proposed work and what we want to evaluate.
2. - Knowing ways to work mathematics in the classroom in order to develop students' critical thinking and educating them in citizenship: - to analyse didactical proposals of this nature; - to create didactical proposals for the classroom that aime the aforementioned.
3. - Meet episodes in the History of Mathematics in different areas, that can be used in mathematics classroom.
4. - Examine ways of using history of mathematics in the classroom.


1 - Evaluation of Mathematics Learning.
2 - Critical Mathematics Education.
3 - The History of Mathematics in Mathematics Classroom.


Dirk Struik , 1997 , História Concisa das Matemáticas , Gradiva
Lopes, Ana Vieira, et. al. , 1990 , Actividades Matemáticas para a sala de aula , Lisboa: Texto Editora.
APM , 1994 , Normas Profissionais para o Ensino da Matemática , Lisboa: APM/IIE
Alrø, H. e Skovsmose, O. , 2004 , Dialogue and Learning in Mathematics Education: Intention, Reflection, Critique. , Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers
Alrø, H., Skovsmose, O., & Valero, P. , 2005 , Culture, diversity and conflict in landscapes of mathematics learning. , In M. Bosch (Ed.)
Boyer, Carl , 1989 , História de la Matemática , Alianza Universidad
Skovsmose, O. , 1994 , Towards a Philosophy of Critical Mathematical Education , Kluwer Academic Publishers
Revistas da Associação de Professores de Matemática , S/D , Educação e Matemática , Revistas da Associação de Professores de Matemática
NCTM , S/D , Mathematics Teacher , NCTM
NCTM , S/D , Aritmetics Teacher , NCTM
Alrø, H., Skovsmose, O., & Valero, P. , 2005 , Culture, diversity and conflict in landscapes of mathematics learning , In M. Bosch (Ed.)

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Reflection and discussion are essential elements in the work of the discipline. Student activity plays a central role in classes and can take different forms: practical work, participation in discussions, preparation of presentations, including moments of dynamization of the classes themselves. Participation includes the use of support material (texts and other written documents), manipulative materials, and audiovisual and technological resources. Students will complete 2 reports (10%+10%), 2 oral exams (10%+10%), 1 practical exam (30%) and 1 project (30%).