Subject: Supervised Teaching Practice

Scientific Area:

Initiation to Professional Practice


448 Hours

Number of ECTS:

37,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Develop the ability to analyze and reflect on situations of teaching-learning and learning evaluation, about the problems of professional practice, mobilizing acquired knowledge and building new knowledge;
2 - Develop the ability of cooperative work and assume a professional perspective in their practice;
3 - Planning mathematics classes consistently and using educational materials and information and communication technologies, working with the mathematical scientific contents correctness;
4 - Perform the planned classes;
5 - Evaluate the mathematical student learning, reflect on the outcome of that review and develop plans to improve these outcomes;
6 - Organize extra-curricular activities at school;
7 - To have/to develop appropriate attitudes of a teaching professional;
8 - Develop a teacher trainning Report and defend it publicly with dignity.


1 - Lessons planning;
2 - Lessons implementation;
3 - Evaluation of Mathematics learning from students;
4 - Organization of extra-curricular activities at school;
5 - Attitudes of a teaching professional;
6 - Creating a teacher trainning Report.


Alro, H. e Skovsmose, O. , 2004 , Dialogue and Learning in Mathematics Education: Intention, Reflection, Critique. , : Kluwer Academic Publishers
Alrø, H., Skovsmose, O., & Valero, P. , 2005 , Culture, diversity and conflict in landscapes of mathematics learning , In M. Bosch (Ed.)
APM , 1991 , Normas para o Currículo e Avaliação em Matemática Escolar (tradução dos Standarts do NCTM) , APM/IIE
APM , 1994 , Normas Profissionais para o Ensino da Matemática , APM/IIE
Boyer, Carl , 1989 , História de la Matemática , Alianza Universidad
Lopes, Ana Vieira, et al , 1990 , Actividades Matemáticas para a sala de aula , Texto Editora
Skovsmose, O. , 1994 , Towards a Philosophy of Critical Mathematical Education , Kluwer Academic Publishers
Struik, Dirk , 1989 , História Concisa das Matemáticas , Gradiva

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The Supervised Teaching Practice involves weekly meetings with the cooperating advisor and/or the scientific advisor in order to discuss the planning of classes and/or to reflect on their execution, as well as their evaluation. It also involves follow-up in the classroom and daily work side by side with the cooperating advisor and sometimes with the scientific advisor. Finally, they have to produce the report with the accompaniment of the scientific advisor. Assessment will be continuous, but this does not mean that students will feel continuously assessed. It is intended to emphasize the formative aspect of assessment and integrate various student performances at different times. 75% of the final classification is for the internship component and 25% for its report and public defense.