Subject: Cultural Management Research Methodology

Scientific Area:

Management and Methodology


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - The course is primarily intended to provide a qualified experience, essentially introductory, in the field of management of cultural projects, including multimedia and artistic, considering the multiple dimensions and encompassing directly and indirectly involved areas. Starting from a critical approach of fundamental paradigmatic lines, evolves to the awareness of its importance in defining strategies and develloping informed and effective methodologies, based on a theoretical and practical approach to project work. The theory, practice and systematization of problem solving processes in the area are the focus of attention, allowing test solutions with a degree of customization. Complementing this framework, and the resulting action, an approach of methodologies, technologies and tools essential to the action proposed in the field, in order to provide students with concrete means to materialize built solutions.


1 - Introduction to contemporary fenomenologies of Culture and its critique.
2 - Project methodologies and practices from a contemporary point of view: Fundamental concepts, strategies and pragmatic trials.
3 - Paradigms and cultural management methodologies.
4 - Definition and characterization of cultural events from a contemporary point of view
5 - Methods, technologies and auxiliary tools in cultural events management.
6 - Practices of cultural managment in practical contexts - methodological analysis.


N. Ribeiro , 2004 , Multimédia e Tecnologias Interactivas , FCA
ESQUENAZI, Jean-Pierre , 2006 , Sociologia dos Públicos , Porto: Porto Editora
BONAGLIA, Federico; GOLDSTEIN, Andre , 2006 , Globalização e Desenvolvimento , Lisboa: Presença,
BOUTINET, Jean-Pierre , Antropologia do Projecto. Lisbo , Instituto Piaget, s.d
GRAHAM, Beryl; COOK Sara , 2010 , Rethinking Curating ? Art after new media. S.L , MIT Press,
LOCKER, PAM , 2011 , Diseño de exposiciones. Barcelona , Gustavo Gili
LOPES, João Teixeira , 2007 , Da democratização à democracia cultural ? uma reflexão sobre políticas culturais e espaço público. Porto: , Profedições
LORENC, Jan; SKOLNICK, Lee; BERGER, Cr , 2007 , What is Exhibition Design , RotoVision
HENRIQUES, Cláudi , 2003 , Turismo, Cidade e Cultura ? Planeamento e Gestão Sustentável , Lisboa: Sílabo
LIPOVETSKY, Gilles; SERROY, Jea , 2014 , O Capitalismo Estético na Era da Globalizaçã , Lisboa: Edições 70

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The methodology adopted for the course includes four key components: a. Content exposure introduced by analyzing case studies and exemplary situations, in order to enhance an 'inductive' process of learning; b. Creating informed debate situations, consistent and systematic, necessarily framed and buoyed by the questions that are successively introduced; c. Developing practical work in a proper environment, involving a prior preparation of its various components, both in terms of processes and content; d. Moments especially dedicated to the evaluation process, covering different standard models of self-assessment and practical work of critical analysis developed, applying these situations the skills and knowledge developed in the course. Final grading results from the following components: Project I - 15% / Project II - 25% / Project III - 35% / Individual Report - 25%.