Subject: Phonetics and Prosody

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - To understand the importance of Phonetics and Prosody in social and cultural studies, especially in the Portuguese Language.
2 - To relate Phonetics and Prosody with social and cultural aspects of speech: pronunciations, registers and styles.
3 - To get to know studies undertaken in the areas of Phonetics and Prosody, mainly in Portuguese.
4 - To develop research in the field of Phonetics and Prosody.
5 - To apply concepts and relevant knowledge to the study of Phonetics and Prosody.


1.1 - Subjects of study
1.2 - Schools and Theories
1.3 - Methodologies and Tools
1.4 - Past and Recent Social and Cultural Research
2.1 - Subjects of study
2.2 - Schools and Theories
2.3 - Methodologies and Tools
2.4 - Past and Recent Social and Cultural Research


José Victor Adragão , 1998 , Quando os Sons se Fazem Língua, in Falar Melhor, Escrever Melhor, , Selecções Reader?s Digest
Amália Andrade & Maria do Céu Viana , 1996 , Fonética, in Introdução à Linguística Geral e Portuguesa , Caminho
Jorge Morais Barbosa , 1994 , Introdução ao Estudo da Fonologia e Morfologia do Português , Almedina
Michel Contini , 2007 , Le Projet AMPER: Passé, Présent et Avenir, in I Jornadas Científicas AMPER-POR , Universidade de Aveiro
David Crystal , 2003 , The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Language , Cambridge University Press
Celso Cunha & Lindley Cintra , 1995 , Nova Gramática do Português Contemporâneo , Sá da Costa
Maria Raquel Delgado Martins , 2002 , Fonética do Português. Trinta anos de investigação , Caminho
P. Ladefoged & I. Maddieson , 1996 , The Sounds of The World?s Languages , MA: Blackwell Publishers
André Martinet , 1985 , Elementos de Linguística Geral , Sá da Costa
M. H. M. Mateus, I. Falé & M. J. Freitas , 2005 , Fonética e Fonologia do Português , Universidade Aberta
M. H. M. Mateus, Sónia Frota & Marina Vigário , 2003 , Aspectos Fonológicos e Prosódicos da Gramática do Português , Caminho
L. C. Moutinho & et al. , 2001 , Project d?Atlas Prosodique Multimédia des Variétés Romanes , Travaux de L?Institut de Phonetique de Strasbourg -TIPS
Albert Rilliard , 2008 , Outils pour le projet AMPER ,
A. Romano , 1995 , Développement d?un environnement de travail pour l?étude des structures sonores et intonatives de la parole. Mémoire de DEA en Sciences du Langage , Grenoble: Université Stendhal

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Taking into account the typology of contact hours, the main teaching methods will be based on the theoretical exposition, on the commented reading of technical texts, on the thematic discussion with several questions, on the practical and instrumental analysis of the information gathered, on the oral and individual presentation of research papers. If agreed, and according to the individual needs of the students, other methods may be followed.