Subject: Contemporary Debates

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - To provide students with concepts and theories that allow them to have a knowledge of the contempo rary world, in their cultural diversity, in their identity challenge, in their demand for encounter with the Other, in their multidimensional and transnational realities, in the renewed questions and challenges of the present day.
2 - Knowing how to analyse literary, essayistic and multimedia artifacts, providing debate on the subjects of the program, in an inter and multidisciplinary vision.
3 - Develop his/her critical view of a multicultural society and the challenges of globalization.
4 - To understand the problematization of the contemporaneity culture, of the deception, of the conflict, but also the grammar culture of the human and the understanding with the World.
5 - Be able to interpret complex and dynamic cultural processes in their relations with society.
6 - Understand the culture of the Humanities in their connection with other knowledge for a better understanding of the contemporary challenges.


1 - A) Theories and Methodologies. For an (in) definition of cultur al issues in the Contemporary debate.
2 - The intersection of Cultural and Literary Studies - inter and multidis ciplinary approaches and methodologies.
3 - The cultures of (hyper) modernity - from the horizons of conflict to demand and interconnection.
4 - B) Readings and (With) texts. Multimodal writings - ident ity constructions, postcolonial and cosmopolitan.
5 - Travel and Utopia - transformation processes and intercultural dialogues.
6 - The exhaustion of Europe and counter-utopia: social relations and reflective places.
7 - Demand and Grammar of Humanity - differentiated societies in multicentric worlds.


Michel Wieviorka , 2006 , Em que Mundo Viveremos? , São Paulo, Perspectiva
Michel Wieviorka , 2002 , A Diferença , Lisboa, Fenda
Gilles Lipovetsky , 2011 , Os Tempos Hipermodernos , Lisboa, Ed. 70
Gilles Lipovetsky , 2012 , A Sociedade de Deceção , Lisboa, Ed, 70
Byung-Chul Han , 2008 , A explusão do Outro , Lisboa, Relógio d'Água
Byung-Chul Han , 2014 , A Sociedade do Cansaço , Lisboa, Relógio d'Água
Gilles Lipovtsky e Hervé Juvin , 2011 , O Ocidente Mundializado. Controvérsia sobre a Cultura Planetária , Lisboa, Ed. 70
Zygmunt Bauman e Leonidas Donsky , 2016 , Cegueira Moral. A Perda da Sensibilidade na Modernidade Líquida , Lisboa, Relógio d'Água
Zygmunt Bauman , 2006 , Confiança e Medo na Cidade , Lisboa, Relógio d'Água
Lamberto Maffei , 2018 , Elogio da Lentidão , Lisboa, Ed. 70
Tolentino Mendonça , 2017 , O Pequeno Caminho das Grandes Perguntas , Lisboa, Quetza

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quant Dec (0-10)

Evaluation Methodology:
Throughout the classes, students will be motivated to reflect a nd discuss critically the items of the program. After a more theoretical presentation, in particular as regards the first point of the program, dialogue will be fostered through the reading and analysis of a corpus in order to promote the acquisition, understanding and practice of knowledge within the framework of problematic of Contemporary, exposed in the objectives listed. The student will be encouraged to do research to complete data on the subjects covered. Whenever it is necessary, either to explore the data discussed or to carry out the work of the students, other bibliographical references that are not included in the general bibliography will be indicated. In order to gauge the knowledge acquired by the student, a research work will be done with presentation of several elements throughout the semester: summary and index: 20%, oral presentation: 40% and delivery of the work: 40%