Subject: Literature and Gender

Scientific Area:

Literature and Culture


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Understand the problematic concepts of literary canon and genre;
2 - Analyse a corpus of key texts on feminisms and gender theories.
3 - Read and interpret a corpus of literary texts from different periods and genres from the perspective of feminist theories and gender analysis.


1 - Introduction to the problematic concepts of literary canon and gender;
2 - Fundamental texts on feminism(s) and gender: Simone de Beauvoir, Luce Irigaray, Judith Butler.
3 - Thinking and expressing gender before gender - reflection on gender characteristics in ancient texts (The Bible, Classical Tragedy, Ancient Philosophy).
4 - Queer studies and studies on masculinity(ies).
5 - Analysis of a corpus of literary texts from the perspective of feminist and gender theories.


E. Badinter , 1997 , XY - A Identidade Masculina , Edições ASA
S. de Beauvoir , 1949 , Le Deuxième Sexe , Gallimard
G. Bock, A. Cova (dir.) , 2003 , Écrire l'Histoire des Femmes en Europe du Sud: XIX-XX Siècles , Celta Editora
P. Bourdieu , 1999 , A Dominação Masculina , Celta Editoras
J. Butler , 1990 , Gender trouble. Feminism and the Subversion of Identity , Routledge
A. I. Crespo et al. (orgs.) , 2008 , Variações sobre Sexo e Género , Livros Horizonte
G. Duby, M. Perrot , 1993 , História das Mulheres , Edições Afrontamento
A. Geczy, Adam, V. Karaminas, Vicky (eds.) , 2013 , Queer Style , Bloomsbury
I. C. Gil, M. C. Pimentel (orgs.) , 2010 , Simone de Beauvoir: Olhares sobre a Mulher e o Feminino , Vega
L. Irigaray , 1977 , Ce sexe qui n'en n'est pas un , Editions de Minuit
A. G. Macedo (org.) , 2002 , Género, Identidade e Desejo: Antologia Crítica do Feminismo Contemporâneo , Edições Cotovia
A. G. Macedo, A. L. Amaral (orgs.) , 2005 , Dicionário de Crítica Feminista , Afrontamento
M. I. Ramalho, A. L. Amaral , 1997 , Sobre a 'Escrita Feminina' , Oficina do CES 90, Centroo de Estudos Sociais
V. Woolf , 2007 , A Room of One's Own (1929). Um Quarto Só Para Si , Relógio d'Água

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Classes and seminars combine a theoretical component (in which the theoretical principles of the syllabus are presented and discussed) and a practical component (in which students apply their knowledge and present their reflections). Activities in the classroom should be conducive to joint discussion and the sharing of ideas. Two research projects will be carried out. The aim of this assessment method is for students to acquire academic research and writing practices and, at the same time, to foster a taste for the area of Gender Studies, without neglecting its applicability in the context of the MA in Literature, Culture and Diversity. Assessment: 50% scientific work (35% written work + 15% oral presentation) + 50% scientific work (35% written work + 15% oral presentation).