Subject: Current Themes of Education Psychology

Scientific Area:



56 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

0 - At the end of this UC, students should be ab le to:
1 - Reflect on some of the current themes of psychology and education, mobilizing different epistemological frameworks;
2 - To problematize the current themes and challenges in Educational Psychology;
3 - To be able to appropriate fundamental concepts and logical reasoning within each specific theme in order to elaborate critical summaries and reviews on the themes. In general terms, it seeks to contribute to the construction of a comprehensive and critical reference framework, which can later facilitate the individual master's research project and the internship project in Educational Psychology.


1 - Neuroscie nce Challenges to Psychology and Education/Neuroscience and Education.
2 - Violence in Interpersonal relationships;
3 - Losses and Grief: Intervention in emergencies and disasters;
4 - Education for health and well-being.
5 - Vocational training, employment and employability: gender issues, special needs, psychosocial risks.
6 - Learning and variables associated with academic success;
7 - Technologies and education and open learning environmen ts (hybrid teaching, gamification, Storytelling, Mobile learning/the role of students and teacher in open learning environments).
8 - Entrepreneurship innovation and creativity, talent.
9 - Psychological evaluation and research methodology


Boruchovitch, E., Almeida, L.S., & Miranda, L. , 2017 , Autorregulação da aprendizagem e psicologia positiva: Criando contextos educativos eficazes e saudáveis , Mercado das letras. Campinas, SP- Brasil
Miranda, L. C. & Paschoal, T. , 2016 , Avaliação do stresse em profissionais de educação não docentes: contributo para a validação da escala de stresse no trabalho. ,
Veiga, F. (Coord.) , 2013 , Psicologia da educação: teoria, investigação e aplicação envolvimento dos alunos na escola , Lisboa: Climepsi Editores
Pocinho, M. (Org.) , 2018 , Temas atuais em Psicologia da Educação , UMa

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Theoretical-practical classes are mainly aimed at d eveloping group work, analyzing and discussing texts, debates, and performing training exercises in research, organization and analysis skills in the topics proposed in this CU. The evaluation method includes two components: (a) group work (50%), subdivided into written part (25%) and oral presentation (25%), and (b) critical review 1 (25%); (c) Critical review 2 (25%)