Subject: Development and Psychological Intervention

Scientific Area:



56 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Have a thorough knowledge of current issues of psychological development throughout the life cycle, its implications and possible applications for psychological practice in different educational contexts.
2 - Know promoting and intervention strategies for the well-being and human development, and types of prevention of risk behaviours.
3 - Be able to analyse a situation or case study related to different stages of the development and present appropriate intervention proposals.
4 - Be able to make an oral presentation and promote a group discussion and critical thinking related to curricular unit topics.


1 - Human development: processes, contexts and trajectories. Theoretical issues and implications in an educational context.
2 - The process of resilience and its promotion. Theoretical questions, implications and practices.
3 - Attachment throughout development. Theoretical issues and implications.
4 - Family context, development and socialization. Family life cycle, challenges and resources.
5 - Parenting. Theoretical models and intervention programs.
6 - The school-family relationship. Theoretical models and intervention programs.
7 - Construction of gender identity and its challenges.
8 - Systemic intervention in education. Theoretical questions, implications and practices.


Almeida, A. T., & Fernandes, N. (Orgs.) , 2010 , Intervenção com crianças, jovens e famílias: Estudos e práticas. , Almedina
Barroso, R. G., & Machado, C. , 2010 , Definições, dimensões e determinantes da parentalidade. , Psychologica
Beja, M.J., & Pestana, S. , 2010 , Famílias de acolhimento: O desafio da separação. , Mosaico
Beja, M.J., & Relvas, A. P. , 2009 , A relação entre a escola e a família no discurso dos professores. , Mosaico
M. Calheiros & M. Garrido (orgs.) , 2013 , Crianças em risco e perigo: Contextos, investigação e intervenção , Edições Silabo.
Carlisle, E., Stanley, L., & Kemple, K. M. , 2006 , Opening doors: Understanding school and family influences on family involvement , Early Childhood Education Journal, 33(3)
Cruz, O. , 2013 , Parentalidade. , Psiquilibrios
Curonici, C., Joliat, F., McCulloch, P. , 2006 , Des difficultés scolaires aux ressources de l'école: Un modèle de consultation systémique pour psychologues et enseignants , De Boeck
Grusec, J. E. , 2011 , Socialization processes in the family: Social and emotional development , Annual Review of Psychology, 62
Papalia, D. E., Olds, S. W., & Feldman, R. D. , 2009 , Human development (11ªed.) , McGraw-Hill
Soares, I. (coord.). , 2009 , Relações de vinculação ao longo do desenvolvimento: Teoria e avaliação , Psiquilibrios.
Sousa, F., Beja, M.J., Franco, G , 2018 , Desenvolvimento cognitivo na adultez emergente: Um estudo na Universidade da Madeira , Psicologia, Educação e Cultura, 22(1)
I. Abreu-Lima, M. Alarcão, A. T. Almeida, T. Brandão, O. Cruz, M. F. Gaspar, M. Ribeiro dos Santos , 2010 , Avaliação de intervenções de educação parental: Relatório 2007‐2010 ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Theoretical-pratical classes will include lectures and activities involving the active participation of students as analysis of texts and/or videos followed by reflection and discussion. In seminars students will be responsible for the presentation of a work group, and promoting discussion and critical reflection about the theme. The evaluation will include one individual written test (50%), and one group work, its oral presentation and discussion (50%).