Subject: Critical and Post-critical Theories of Curriculum

Scientific Area:



27 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Recognize the non-neutrality of the curriculum;
2 - Analyze how the curriculum is organized and developed in its relations with politics and the economy;
3 - Relate the curriculum with ideology;
4 - Understand the curriculum as identity builder;
5 - Perspective the curriculum in the relationship between knowledge and power;
6 - Reflect on the concepts of dominant culture and multiculturalism;
7 - Situate the curriculum in post-modernity;
8 - Develop competencies, skills and research methods based on a critical view;
9 - Develop communication skills with their peers and the remaining academic community.


1 - The pseudo neutrality of technological curriculum model;
2 - The end of meta-narratives: the difference and identity, valued in a critical perspective;
3 - Gender differences reflected on the curriculum;
4 - The curriculum as racial and ethnic narrative;
5 - Queer theory: something "strange" in the curriculum;
6 - Postmodernism and the curriculum;
7 - A post-structuralist theory of curriculum;
8 - A post-colonialist theory of curriculum;
9 - Cultural Studies and the curriculum;
10 - Culture and pedagogy: where each one begins and ends?
11 - Curriculum: the relationship between knowledge and power.


Cestari, LA. (Ed.). , 2017 , Subjects, policies, curriculum and learning in a post-critical approach. ,
Davis, A. , 2016 , Mulheres, Raça e Classe. , Boitempo
Letizia, A. , 2013 , Battle for the enlightenment: neoliberalism, critical theory and the role of circumvential education. ,
Lopes, AC. , 2013 , Teorias pós-críticas, política e currículo. ,
Pacheco, JA. , 2012 , Curriculum Studies: what is the field today? ,
Scott, D. , 2007 , Critical Essays on Major Curriculum Theorists , Taylor&Francis eBooks
Slater, G. , 2015 , Education as recovery: neoliberalism, school reform and the politics of crisis. ,
Young, M. , 2013 , Overcoming the crisis in curriculum theory ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The critical and post-critical trends are to be worked from the oral teaching delivery. The debate supposes a prior reading of articles, book chapters or books that provide a critical foundation on various topics, registered in portfolio. In a second phase, students, individually or in groups, choose, from among the contents previously listed, only one, which they will further develop, based on more than one author's view, taking responsibility for the presentation and further debate with the other colleagues, so that everyone may have a reasonable knowledge of the subject in which they have specialized themselves. In addition to participating in the proposed activities (30%), students must submit an individual written work with an academic article format, to train their formal writing abilities necessary for the further elaboration of the thesis (70%).