Subject: Trends in Hospitality

Scientific Area:

Hotels and Restaurants


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - The UC aims to offer students an overview of the trends that are coming for the foreseeable future. The UC aims, in addition to raising students' awareness of current trends, to train students in analytical tools and techniques, of a quantitative and qualitative nature, which allow the early identification of trends and changes in terms of demand, predominant profile and products in "high demand". At the end of the UC, students are expected to be able to identify the factors underlying the nature of the changes, in terms of economic, sociocultural and environmental factors, describe current and future trends, and also be able to project possible impacts at the behaviour level of consumers and the business model, which implies an attentive attitude to the evolution of the sector and experience in analytical capacity and identification of implications.


1 - Current trends in the hospitality and tourism sector, globally and nationally, in terms of geographic flows, consumer profile and business models, and pressure group attitudes and media reporting and new products on the rise in markets.
2 - Identification of demographic, political, demographic, environmental and societal factors in general, determinants of the trends listed in point 1.
3 - Description of quantitative data analysis techniques and qualitative text analysis (quantitative methods, analysis of statistical series and simple statistical calculations, use of reputable open sources and interpretation of data and writing of information summaries.
4 - Based on the previous points, resolution of exercises for the purposes of formulating and projecting (forecasting) trends, in the hospitality, tourism, catering and transport sectors, based on the tools described.


ANDREWS, H. , 2005 , Consumo de hospitalidade nas férias. , São Paulo: Manole
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BORTOLOTTO, C. (org.) , 2011 , Le patrimoine culturel immatériel: enjeux d?une nouvelle catégorie , Paris: Maison des Sciences de l?Homme
BOTTERILL, D. , 2005 , Método científico-social do conhecimento da hospitalidade. , São Paulo: Manole
BROTHERTON & WOODS , 2005 , Hospitalidade e administração da hospitalidade. , São Paulo: Manole
BUBER, M. , 1979 , Eu e Tu , São Paulo: Cortez & Moraes
CAILLÉ, A. , 2002 , Antropologia do dom , Petrópolis: Vozes
CHON, Kye-Sung (Kaye); SPARROWE, R. T. , 2003 , Hospitalidade: conceitos e aplicações , São Paulo: Thomson
DARKE & GURNEY , 2003 , Como alojar: Gênero, hospitalidade e performance , São Paulo: Thomson
DERRIDA, J. , 2001 , A hospitalidade e as novas tecnologias. Entrevista com Jacques Derrida , Jornal do Brasil, Caderno Idéias
DERRIDA, J. , 1999 , Manifeste pour l´hospitalité , Grigny: Paroles d´Aube
DERRIDA & DUFOURMANTELLE , 1997 , De l?hospitalité , Paris: Calman-Lévy
DIAS, C. M. M. (org.) , 2002 , Hospitalidade, Reflexões e Perspectivas , São Paulo: Manole
GOTMAN, A. , 1997 , La question de l?hospitalité aujourd?hui , L?Hospitalité. Paris: Seuil
GOTMAN, A. , 2005 , O turismo e a encenação da hospitalidade , CRLMC - Université Blaise Pascal. Clermont-Ferrand
MONTANDON, A. , 2003 , Hospitalidade, ontem e hoje , São Paulo: Pioneira-Thomson
MONTANDON, A. , 2004 , Le livre de l´hospitalité:accueil de l´étranger dans l´histoire et les cultures , Paris: Bayard
MORRISON , 2005 , Em busca da hospitalidade: perspectivas para um mundo globalizado , São Paulo: Manole

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The aim is to acquire and apply the knowledge foreseen in the objectives and syllabus contents. Use of expository and interactive methods; carrying out practical exercises in the classroom, in groups; research and considerations on statistics and hospitality policies and strategies at local, regional and national levels. Assessment will be based on 2 written tests (30% each) and on practical assignments giving relevance to the continuous work of students in the classroom (40%). Only written tests can be recovered at appeal time.