Subject: Pharmacology Principles

Scientific Area:

Pharmaceutical Sciences


48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - To know the mechanisms of action and bio transformation of the most common drugs;
2 - To describe the main pharmacological groups, mechanisms of action and routes of administration;
3 - To understand aspects of secure management of medicines within the scope of its duties;
4 - To state interventions to promote adherence to therapy;
5 - To identify deviations and communicate to qualified professionals.


1 - Pharmacology: General notions of pharmacology and pharmacodynamics;
2 - Main pharmacological groups;
3 - Life cycle therapy: side effects;
4 - Routes of drug administration: preparation; administration; packaging and preservation;
5 - Technical and socioeconomic considerations of medicines: Marketing and costs;
6 - Issues associated with therapeutic adherence;
7 - Deviations and communication to qualified professionals.


Brunton, L. , 2015 , Manual de Farmacologia e Terapêutica.(2. ª ed.) , Lisboa: MeGrawHill
Cahil, M. et al. , 1997 , Administração de fármacos , Lisboa: Verbo
Clayton, B.; Stock, Y. , 2002 , Fundamentos de Farmacologia. (12. ª ed.) , Lisboa: Lusociência
Dawson, J. S.; Taylor, M. , 2007 , Lo essencial en Farmacologia. (2. ª ed.) , Madrid: Elsevier
Guimarães, S.; Moura, D.; Silva, P. S. , 2006 , Terapêutica medicamentosa e suas bases farmacológicas. (5. ª ed.). , Porto: Porto Editora
Katzung, B. G. , 2013 , Farmacologia Básica e Clínica. (12. ª ed.) , Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan
Neal, M. J. , 2000 , Compêndio de Farmacologia Médica , Lisboa: Piaget Editora
Junior, I. S. O. , 2013 , Princípios da Farmacologia Básica em Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde , S. Paulo: Rideel
Gollan, D. E.; Tashjian Jr, A. H.; Armstrong, E. J.; Armstrong, A. W. , 2014 , Princípios de Farmacologia - A Base Fisiopatológica da Farmacoterapia. (3. ª ed.) , Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
In accordance with the expected for the Professional Higher Technical Courses. Classification Type: Quantitative (0-20) Evaluation Methodology: Given the theoretical and theoretical practical typology of the UC will be used the expository and interactive method. Group work will be carried out to discuss and analyze themes with the participation of trainees. We will also use active methods such as brainstorming and debate that favor the acquisition of knowledge and the critical ability of trainees. In the scope of the autonomous work of the student will be encouraged the research in scientific data base and the study. The evaluation elements correspond to 1 individual frequency 50% for assessment of knowledge and 1 group work with oral presentation 50%, both of which will rank as minimum for approval 9,5. The two elements are recoverable in resource and / or special examination. The grade improvement will be carried out on the entire subject matter.