Subject: Aquaculture

Scientific Area:

Produção Agrícola e Animal


74 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Understand the importance of aquaculture and associated technologies;
2 - Know and distinguish the different species produced;
3 - Conhecer as metodologias de produção de espécies em cativeiro;
4 - Acquire knowledge about the physiology, feeding, reproduction and pathologies associated with the golden fish (Sparus aurata) and its importance for aquaculture production;
5 - Acquire knowledge about the production of microalgae in aquaculture, its productivity and processing for the development of value-added products;
6 - Properly mobilize the knowledge acquired for application in professional situations;
7 - Develop abilities and skills to know how to interpret, evaluate, decide and intervene responsibly in situations related to future professional activity;
8 - Develop and demonstrate initiative, autonomy and work habits.


1 - History and development of aquaculture.
2 - Characterization of the aquatic environment. Water features and quality.
3 - Important factors constraining aquaculture. Biological factors. Legal factors. Socio-economic factors.
4 - Factors influencing species selection for the aquaculture. Salinity. Dissolved gases. Temperature. Nutritional requirements. Reproduction. Growth.
5 - Main species produced in the world, with a focus on Portugal
6 - Aquaculture of Sparus aurata (dourada). Characteristics of the species. Production cycle. Productivity. Pathologies. Nutrition.
7 - Microalgae aquaculture. Characterization of some species. Production. Physiology. Nutritive media.
8 - Integration of microalgae in aquaculture feeds.
9 - Applied laboratory and field activities to illustrate and explain the theoretical contents of the Courses.


Ackefors, H., Huner, J. V., & Konikoff, M. , 1994 , Introduction to the General Principles of Aquaculture , CRC Press.
Borowitzka, M. A., Beardall, J., &Raven, J. A. , 2016 , The Physiology of Microalgae. In Developments in Applied Phycology. , Springer.
Bustillos,L. G. T , 2015 , Microalgae and other Phototrophic Bacteria - Culture, Processing, Recovery and New Products , Nova Science Publishers
Pavlidis, M. A., &Mylonas, C. C , 2011 , Sparidae: Biology and Aquaculture of Gilthead Sea Bream and Other Species , Wiley-Blackwell.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The aim is to acquire and apply the knowledge foreseen in the course?s objectives and syllabus contents, through an active and interdisciplinary methodology. The student must learn the basic concepts and know-how to relate them to each other, proceeding with their reinforcement, through applied learning using available tools and study visits to concrete situations of the future professional activity. To achieve the objectives and implement the syllabus, the UC's contact hours are scheduled as follows: Theoretical-practical teaching: 22 hours; Practical and laboratory teaching: 32 hours; and Field work: 20 hours. The evaluation will include several moments of evaluation applied to the theoretical-practical components, laboratory practices and field work (e.g. frequencies, works and reports), any of the elements cannot exceed a weighting of 50%. the theoretical-practical elements can be retrieved in resource.

