Subject: Occupational Safety and Food Hygiene

Scientific Area:

Security and Hygiene at Work


60 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Know the Basic concepts related to Hygiene and Safety at Work;

2 - Knowing the types of existing professional risks and the possible damages derived from work, namely in an industrial context;

3 - Implement and apply the basic rules of industrial and food hygiene and safety;

4 - Understand the legal and institutional framework related to the production of safe food;

5 - Autonomously analyse and interpret legal documents related to hygiene and food safety;

6 - Contribute to the planning, control and continuous improvement in terms of hygiene and safety in the sector;

7 - Identify the main hazards associated with food and their consequences, associate them with the conditions for their occurrence and severity;

8 - Identify the recommended tools for food safety management and use them in the design of suitable processes for food production and implementation of the HACCP plan. 


1 - Basic Fundamentals of Safety and Hygiene at Work

1.1 - General Risks and their Prevention from the work point of view

1.2 - Normative Frameworks. Organizational aspects of the Health and Safety function 

1.3 - Personal protective equipment

1.4 - Chemical contamination

1.5 - Noise exposure

1.6 - Thermal environments

1.7. - Risk of fires

1.8. - Ergonomics

2 - Hygiene and Food Safety

2.1 - Basic principles and hygiene practices in the different stages of food production

2.2 - Concepts and their evolution (food security, food safety, food defense)

2.3 - Biological, chemical, and physical hazards of food; causes of food contamination

2.4 - HACCP - principles, implementation, plan

2.5 - Food intolerances




Miguel, A.S.S.R., Manual de Higiene e Segurança do Trabalho, Porto Editora (2012).

Diário da República, Legislação Nacional de Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho (geral, equipamento de segurança, agentes químicos, radiações,agentes biológicos): Lei n.o 79/2019 ? Diário da República n.o 167/2019, Série I de 2019-09-02 Decreto-Lei n.o 182/2006, de 6 de setembro, Diário da República.

Baptista, P.; Linhares, M.;
, Higiene e SegurançaAlimentar, Guimarães: Forvisão SA. (2005). 

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Assiduidade e Participação: 10%

Componente teórico-prática: 30%

Componente prática: 60%