Disciplina: Inglês B2.1

Área Científica:



64 Horas





Objetivos Gerais:

1 - By the end of the first semester students are expected to have developed language competencies, such as: 1. Talk to and ask strangers questions in order to hold a conversation, interact and build relationships
2 - 2. Reminisce about past experiences
3 - 3. Describe lifestyles, people?s appearance, memories and plans
4 - 4. Explain processes/ feelings
5 - 5. Enunciate requirements
6 - 6. Check information and react to feedback
7 - 7. Express opinions, agreement/disagreement, reactions
8 - 8. Make speculations
9 - 9. Compare and contrast pictures and photographs
10 - 10. Write a formal letter of application/ complaint.
11 - 11. Become aware of British English and American English varieties.

Conteúdos / Programa:

1 - I - English Language Speaking, Listening and Writing, Punctuation and Capitalisation, Spelling (commonly misspelt words), Pronunciation and Stress, British English vs. American English
2 - II - Vocabulary and Reading
2.1 - 1. Connection and communication: Lifestyles; friends; strangers; family ties; experiences; resolving conflicts; describing a personal experience; past tenses; conditionals; verbs + noun collocations; phrasal verbs
2.2 - 2. Work environments: work and ?after work? activities; verb phrases about work; problems at work; explaining a problem and asking for action; letters of application; recommendations; business plans; complaints; describing possessions; job skills and requirements; following rules; modal verbs; defining relative clauses. passive voice; -ed and -ing adjectives; future forms
2.3 - 3. Old or New: time expressions; narrating childhood; mistakes in the past; feedback; develop an argument; conditionals; connectors; degrees of adjectives.
3 - III - English Grammar: Parts of Speech; Articles: definite article (the); indefinite article (a/an) and zero article; Nouns: irregular plurals; countable/uncountable; Possessive Case; Adjectives and Adverbs; Question Tags; Verb Classes/Leading Forms; Auxiliary Verbs (do/have/be; Modals: Present/Future modals of possibility; Expressing obligation; Expressing ability; Phrasal Verbs; Irregular Verbs (B2.1 List); Verb Tenses and Uses: - Future Tenses - Narrative Tenses: Past simple/Past Continuous/Past Perfect Simple/Past Perfect Continuous; Emphasis; Conditionals; In case; Used to/Get used to/Would; Any/Every/No/Some; Connectors

Bibliografia / Fontes de Informação:

Murphy, R. , 2012 , English Grammar in Use , Cambridge U.P.
Sinclair, John , 1991 , Collins Cobuild English Grammar, and Student?s Grammar (Self-Study Edition) , Collins
Thomson, A. J. et al. , A Practical English Grammar for Foreign Students , Oxford U.P.
Carter, R. & M. McCarthy , 2006 , Cambridge Grammar of English: A Comprehensive Guide - Spoken and Written English Grammar and Usage , CUP,
Harmer, J. & R. Rossner , 1991 , More than Words: Vocabulary for Intermediate to Advanced Students , Longman,
J. Bygrave , 2020 , Roadmap B2, Students? Book , Pearson
J. Bygrave , 2020 , Roadmap B2, Workbook , Pearson
J. Fowler , 1993 , Phrasal Verb Organiser , Thomson Heinle & Heinle LTP ELT
R. Quirk , S. Greenbaum , 2016 , A University Grammar of English , Pearson

Métodos e Critérios de Avaliação:

Tipo de Classificação: Quantitativa (0-20)

Metodologia de Avaliação:
Tipo de Classificacao: Quantitativa (0-20) Metodologia de Avaliação: As aulas têm partes expositivas e teórico-práticas havendo uma constante interacção entre docente e estudantes. A produção oral e escrita em inglês irá ser desenvolvida através de trabalho individual e de pares. Os estudantes deverão fazer (1) uso do manual de apoio, Workbook, que apresenta actividades de apoio para consolidação da matéria dada na aula; (2) um estudo sistemático das estruturas aprendidas, realizando os exercícios da gramática aconselhada e demais materiais e links fornecidos pelo docente. Haverá também um enfoque no desenvolvimento das competências orais, devendo os estudantes efectuar leituras em voz alta e comunicar exclusivamente em Inglês. Avaliação: optou-se pelo Modelo A do Reg. de Avaliação e Aprendizagem da UMa. Assim sendo, os estudantes são avaliados ao longo do semestre de acordo com as opções disponíveis neste modelo de avaliação, e escolhidas pelo/a docente.