Disciplina: Inglês B2.2

Área Científica:



64 Horas





Objetivos Gerais:

1 - By the end of the second semester students are expected to have developed language competencies, such as: 1. Talk about incidents/ trends/ services/ regrets and resolutions/ past events/ business and economy
2 - 2. Describe how to prepare and cook a dish/ different types of people/ lifestyles
3 - 3. Report and describe what people say to you
4 - 4. Tell a funny story/ joke/ anecdote
5 - 5. Ask and answer questions about unusual places
6 - 6. Make comparisons about situations, places and people
7 - 7. Build rapport using email
8 - 8. Challenge, discuss and explain your own beliefs and opinions/ scientific evidence
9 - 9. Manage and uphold a conversation/ a debate
10 - 10. Write arguments for and against a point of view
11 - 11. Recognise and use idiomatic expressions
12 - 12. Identify varieties of English

Conteúdos / Programa:

1 - I - English Language Speaking, Listening and Writing ? Spelling (commonly misspelt words) ? Pronunciation/Phonetics (IPA) ? Use of Abbreviations ? British English versus American English ? Varieties of English (Standard versus Non-standard Forms of English) ? Units of Language.
2 - II - Vocabulary and Reading
2.1 - Explore: exploring places and what to do in an area; trying different activities; urban change; old buildings; business opportunities; home; commuting; the weather; on the move; verb patterns and reporting; continuous forms
2.2 - Excess: food for thought; food and cooking; feelings; trends; habits; word building; complex comparatives; complex questions
2.3 - Success: kind acts, ups and downs; time of your life; successful and failing businesses; icons; Eureka; describing personality; winners; adjective and noun phrases; relative clauses; prepositions.
2.4 - Extensive Reading
3 - III - English Grammar
3.1 - Nouns: countable / uncountable; irregular plurals
3.2 - Word Formation: prefixes and suffixes
3.3 - Pronouns: reflexive pronouns
3.4 - Adjectives: comparison and superlative of adjectives, adjectives and intensifiers, compound adjectives; adjectives with -ed / -ing
3.5 - Modifiers: hard / hardly
3.6 - Irregular Verbs (LeRE 2 List)
3.7 - Verb Classes / Leading Forms / Finite / Non-finite Verbs
3.9 - Past Modals of deduction: must / might / can?t have
3.83.9 - Verb Tenses and Uses: narrative tenses / future perfect and future continuous / present perfect simple and present perfect continuous
4.1 - Phrasal Verbs with three parts
4.2 - Gerunds and Infinitives
4.3 - Reported Speech and Reporting Verbs
4.4 - Direct Questions, Subject Questions, Indirect Questions
4.5 - If Structures (2): First, Second, Zero, Third, and Mixed Conditionals
4.6 - The Compound Sentence and the Complex Sentence (Classification of Grammatical Units): Form classes of words; function classes within the phrase and within the clause
4.7 - Sequencing Devices: Having? / After?
4.8 - Relative Clauses: Defining RCl / Non-Defining RCl
4.9 - Passives

Bibliografia / Fontes de Informação:

Murphy, R. , 2012 , English Grammar in Use , Cambridge U.P.
Thomson, A. J. et al. , A Practical English Grammar for Foreign Students , Oxford U.P.
Carter, R. & M. McCarthy , 2006 , Cambridge Grammar of English: A Comprehensive Guide - Spoken and Written English Grammar and Usage , CUP,
Biber, D , 2004 , Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English , Longman,
Collins Cobuild , 2001 , Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary for Advanced Learners , HarperCollins
J. Fowler , 1993 , Phrasal Verb Organiser , Thomson Heinle & Heinle LTP ELT
H. Dellar and A. Walkley , 2020 , Roadmap B2+, Students? Book , Pearson
H. Dellar and A. Walkley , 2020 , Roadmap B2+, Workbook , Pearson
B. Bryson , 1990 , The Mother Tongue: English and How it got that Way , Harper Collins
D. Crystal , 2010 , A Little Book of Language , Yale University Press

Métodos e Critérios de Avaliação:

Tipo de Classificação: Quantitativa (0-20)

Metodologia de Avaliação:
Tipo de Classificacao: Quantitativa (0-20) Metodologia de Avaliação: As aulas têm partes expositivas e teórico-práticas havendo uma constante interacção entre docente e estudantes. A produção oral e escrita em inglês irá ser desenvolvida através de trabalho individual e de pares. Os estudantes deverão fazer (1) uso do manual de apoio, Workbook, que apresenta actividades de apoio para consolidação da matéria dada na aula; (2) um estudo sistemático das estruturas aprendidas, realizando os exercícios da gramática aconselhada e demais materiais e links fornecidos pelo/a docente. Haverá também um enfoque no desenvolvimento das competências orais, devendo os estudantes efectuar leituras em voz alta e comunicar exclusivamente em Inglês. Avaliação: optou-se pelo Modelo A do Reg. de Avaliação e Aprendizagem da UMa. Assim sendo,os estudantes são avaliados ao longo do semestre de acordo com as opções disponíveis neste modelo de avaliação, e escolhidas pelo/a docente