Eduardo Manuel de Almeida Leite

Penteada University Campus , Floor -1

(+351) 291 705 180 / 5180

No to laugh, not to lament, not to detest, but to understand (Baruch Spinoza, 1632-1677)

Biographical Notes

Professor Eduardo Leite is an academic and researcher with extensive experience in management, entrepreneurship, and business. He holds a Ph.D. in Management from the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro and is currently pursuing a Law degree at the University of Coimbra, integrating legal knowledge into his academic practice. He is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Aberdeen.

At the University of Madeira, he serves as Vice-President of the School of Technology and Management, overseeing educational and administrative initiatives. He teaches various business subjects with an interactive and student-centered approach. He participates in research projects funded by Horizon Europe and collaborates with international specialists. He is affiliated with research centers in Portugal, Brazil, and Iceland.

As the founder of more than ten scientific journals with key publications indexed in Scopus and Web of Science, he significantly contributes to international research.

His professional journey is also notable for its uniqueness; he was the first former professional football player to earn a Ph.D. in Portugal, demonstrating his diverse talents and determination.


- Análise de Projetos de Investimento, Martins, A.; Leite, E., Ponteditora, 2024

- Editorial-Digital Creativity for Developing Digital Maturity Future Skills, Vezzani, V.; Canina, M.; Bruno, C.; Leite, E., Journal of Entrepreneurial Researchers, 2024

- Effects of Work-Family Conflict and Facilitation Profiles on Work Engagement, Carvalho, C.; Mónico, L.; Pinto, A.; Oliveira, S.; & Leite, E., Societies, 2024

- Entrepreneurship Education: Failure Prevention as a Pillar for Success, Leite, E.; Leite, A., CongrEGA 2024, 2024

- EVALUATION OF CHANNEL MANAGER IMPLEMENTATION IN MADEIRA: THE SITEMINDER CASE STUDY, Lousada, S., Leite, E., Dudiyeva, G., da Silva, A., & da Cunha, M., ITC'24: Congresso Internacional de Turismo, 2024

- Exploring the impact of climate change on lodging establishments: a systematic literature review, Mota, L.; Leite, E.; Ghasemi, V., Quantity & Quality, 2024

- Financial Literacy for a Better Sustainable Development Agenda, Freitas, A.; Marques, M.; Aveiro, P.; Ribeiro, H. N. R.; Leite, E. M. de A., 15th China to Adriatic Turkish World International Research Congress, 2024

- Linking quality of accounting information system and financial reporting to non-financial performance: The role women managers, Monteiro, A. P.; Vale, J.; Leite, E.; Lis, M., International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 2024

- O Desporto de Natureza na oferta das empresas de Animação Turística na Madeira, Prudente, J.; Fernando, C.; Rodrigues, A.; Antunes, H.; Noite, J.; Cardoso, A.; Lopes, H.; Leite, E.; Sousa, D., Seminário Desporto e Ciência 2024, 2024

- Prefácio, Leite, E., 978-989-35528-2-7, Ponteditora, 2024

Academic Qualifications

- PhD in Gestão, 2013, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Current Duties

- Director of the Higher Technical Professionals Degree in -

- Director of the Degree in -

- Representante de Unidade Orgânica of the Comissão de Ética

- Vice-Presidente of the Escola Superior de Tecnologias e Gestão