Nuno Miguel Vieira Rodrigues

Penteada University Campus , Floor 1, Office 1.43

Biographical Notes

PhD in Work, Organizational and Human Resources Psychology and Human Resources Management Consultant in the domains of personnel selection, performance management and behavioral competencies development. Researcher in the domain of criteria-related validity studies, focused on academic performance, work performance, innovation and well-being at work.

For more information regarding developed research please visit:


- Can employees capitalize upon their role breadth self-efficacy and innovative work behaviour to enhance their prospects of promotion?, Nuno Rodrigues, Teresa Rebelo, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2023, 13

- Extending the understanding of the impact of conscientiousness on individual soccer performance: Examining the mediating role of mental toughness, David Rodrigues, Nuno Rodrigues, Teresa Rebelo, Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 2023

- Linking trait-emotional intelligence and citizenship performance in a high-complexity job: Examining its predictive validity and the mediating effect of job satisfaction, Nuno Rodrigues, Teresa Rebelo, Revista Psicologia: Organizações & Trabalho (rPOT), 2023, 9

- Predicting well-being at work during Covid-19: Examining the incremental validity of core self-evaluations and the mediating effect of perceived strengths use, Pedro Rodrigues, Nuno Rodrigues, Revista PSICOLOGIA, 2023, 11

- Incremental validity of achievement and benevolence personal values, over the five-factor model, for predicting citizenship performance, Nuno Rodrigues, Teresa Rebelo, 978-86-7379-601-7, 17th Days of Applied Psychology, Conference Proceedings, 2022, 14

- Portuguese version of Parker s role breadth self-efficacy scale: Examining its factor structure, reliability and validity to predict innovative work behaviour, Nuno Rodrigues, Teresa Rebelo, Psychological Reports, 2021

- Unfolding the impact of trait emotional intelligence facets and co-worker trust on task performance, Nuno Rodrigues, Teresa Rebelo, 806-4892, Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, 2021, 18

- The bandwidth dilemma applied to trait emotional intelligence: Comparing the contribution of emotional intelligence factor with its facets for predicting global job satisfaction, Nuno Rodrigues, Teresa Rebelo, 1936-4733, Current Psychology, 2020

- Predicting innovative performance through proactive personality: Examining its criterion validity and incremental validity over the five‐factor model, Nuno Rodrigues, Teresa Rebelo, 0965-075x, International journal of selection and assessment, 2019, 8

- Incremental validity of proactive personality over the Big Five for predicting job performance of software engineers in an innovative context, Nuno Rodrigues, Teresa Rebelo, 2174-0534, Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology-Revista de Psicologia del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 2013, 7

Academic Qualifications

- PhD in Psicologia, 2014, Universidade de Coimbra/Fac. de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação