Subject: Organic Chemistry II

Scientific Area:



68 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Acquire basic theoretical knowledge of Organic Chemistry at the reactionary level and apply practical (laboratory) knowledge in the realization of simple experiments of synthesis of organic substances.
2 - Learn and understand the main reaction mechanisms that occur in organic compounds
2.1 - Development of research capacity, critical thinking and autonomous study.
2.2 - Working as a team outside the usual social group, developing leadership and negotiation skills.
2.3 - Ability to relate the acquired knowledge with phenomena observed in everyday life.
2.4 - Ability to plan, execute and propose experimental strategies, interpret results and communicate them.
3 - Relate the functionality of small and relatively simple molecules with that of complex molecules that intervene in biochemical processes and understand how the transformations that occur in living organisms are sequences of organic reactions.


1 - Homolytic and heterolytic bond cleavage. Curved arrows. Main reaction mechanisms: substitution, elimination, addition, rearrangement. Oxidation and reduction. Free radical reactions.
2 - Ionic reactions: nucleophilic substitution and elimination reactions of alkyl halides. Alcohols and ethers.
3 - Uni and bimolecular mechanisms. Carbocation rearrangement. Solvent effects. Stereo and regioselectivity. Zaitsev rule.
4 - Addition to double and triple carbon-carbon bonds. Markovnikov rule. Epoxidation. Unsaturated conjugated systems. Arenes and aromaticity. Huckel's rule. Electrophilic aromatic Substitution.
5 - Nucleophilic addition in the carbonyl group of aldehydes and ketones. Hydrates, hemiacetals and acetals. Reactions in the carbon.
6 - Aldolic condensation. Chemistry of sugars. Oxidation of alcohols.
7 - Carboxylic acids and their derivatives: Nucleophilic substitution in the carbonyl group. Ester enolates. Claisen condensation.
8 - Amines, amino acids and proteins. Reductive amination. Hofmann elimination


N/A , Solomons Organic Chemistry + Study guide , Publisher Wiley
Morrison & Boyd , Quimica Orgânica , Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Carey , Organic Chemistry ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
This UC comprises 32 hours of theoretical classes divided by 16 weeks and 36 hours of practical classes divided by 12 weeks. Teaching is accompanied by multimedia projection, use of board and manipulation of molecular models; Use of laptops or tablets by students is encouraged to promote interaction and active participation. The laboratorial classes are held in laboratory 6 (81 m2, 3 fume cupboards, fully equipped), in groups of 2/3 students, maximum 12 per class. Students are required to prepare the lab work, performing any needed calculations and recording all safety procedures concerning the chemicals they will be manipulating in class. The evaluation of this UC consists of: a) 2 written tests, minimum score 8/20, average 9.5/20 (weight of 70%). b) 1 full report on 1experiment and its presentation before the whole class. This report includes the compilation and discussion of results obtained by all the groups in the same class. (weight of 30%).