Subject: Education and Citizenship

Scientific Area:



63 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Understand the concept of citizenship.
2 - Raise awareness of the dimensions of citizenship of the XXI century.
3 - Recognize the role of education policy in citizenship education, civic education and personal and social education.
4 - Seeing Citizenship Education in a critical way, in its relation to ideology, culture and power. Develop attitudes of reflection and critical analysis of the relationship face education and citizenship.
5 - Understand the ethical issues related to plural citizenship.
6 - Contribute for developing a critical perception of social exclusion of minorities and disadvantaged by promoting the development of awareness of the need to eradicate poverty, reduce social inequalities and combating all forms society prejudice and discrimination.


1 - Education and Citizenship: probable frameworks from a historical and normative perspective.
2 - Citizenship: A multidisciplinary concept
3 - Construction of citizenship:
3.1 - Human rights;
3.2 - Civil, Political, Economic, Social and Solidarity Rights;
3.3 - Citizenship and Democracy:
3.3.1 - Democratic values, including the protection of human rights, minority rights and the fight against discrimination;
3.4. - Citizenship and leadership;
3.5. - Citizenship and civility.
4 - Education for European citizenship.
5. - The Citizenship Education in Portugal..
6 - The School and Citizenship: the concept of citizenship in the classroom.
7 - The citizenship education in non-formal educational settings.
8. - Education for Citizenship (or citizenship) in the era of globalization:
8.1. - Ethics and global awareness;
8.2. - Individualism, social identity and cultural diversity.


Carvalho, C.; Sousa, F. & Pintassilgo, J. , 2005 , A educação para a cidadania como dimensão transversal do currículo escolar , Porto: Porto Editora.
Fraga, N. S. , 2011 , Educação e Epistemologías. O Contributo do Orçamento Participativo na (des) Construção do Conhecimen ,
Ministério da Educação , 2008 , Fórum Educação para a Cidadania , Direção Regional de Educação do Algarve:
PERRENOUD, P. , 2005 , Escola e Cidadania: o papel da escola na formação para a democracia , trad. Fátima Murad
Sanches, M.; Veiga, F.; Sousa, F. & Pintassilgo, J. , 2007 , Cidadania e Liderança Escolar , Porto: Porto Editora
Vasconcelos, T. , 2007 , A Importância da Educação na Construção da Cidadania , Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti:h
United For Human Rights , 2012 , Fazer dos Direitos Humanos uma realidade - manual do professor , Unidos pelos Direitos Humanos
Ribeiro N., Neves T. & Menezes I. , 2014 , EDUCAÇÃO PARA A CIDADANIA EM PORTUGAL: contributos para analisar a sua evolução no currículo escolar , Valdinei Marcolla

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
In addition to explanation and clarification of concepts by the teacher, there will be individual reading and analyzing texts, for joint reflection on pair work or group resource. Will-appeal-even if the viewing of videos and documentaries and promote debates shall be diffusing active and participatory methodologies. The evaluation is periodic, and it will focus on the realization of a working group that will focus on education for citizenship, taking as its starting point a set of articles selected by the faculty of UC and complemented with a review of relevant literature the study. (50% of final grade - 40% written product / oral presentation 10%). Group work should result in the writing of an article of seven pages which should be expressed in a clear and critical discourse, the main features of the thematic analysis. The other element of evaluation will be a frequency that address the program content (50% of final grade).