Subject: Philosophy of Education

Scientific Area:



63 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - The student should be able to historically frame (specific competencies of the scientific field) the various theories about education.
2 - The student must differentiate the pedagogical theories and the contribution of Philosophy to Educational from Antiquity to the Contemporary era.
3 - The student will relate education as ethical praxis and foundation of human existence (generic skills, ethical and socio-cultural context).


1 - Dimensions of educational action
2 - Birth of philosophical thinking
3 - Distinction between philosophy, science and common sense
4 - The requirement of Philosophy in Education
5 - The legacy of Hellenism in Western culture
6 - Educational models of Hellenic culture
7 - Distinction between Platonic and Aristotelian education
8 - Education as a problem of meaning
9 - The master?s view
10 - Theocentric and anthropocentric view of the world
11 - The importance of the Renaissance in education
12 - The Nihilism as a consequence of not creating values
13 - Vision of contemporary education
14 - The Nietzschean assumptions about education in higher education (The 5th Conference ).
15 - The paradigms of the Manufacturing School and the New School as two political paradigms in conflict (Capitalism and Marxism).
16 - Crisis of Education in the Contemporary World according to Hannah Arendt
17 - The negative education according to Eric Weil
18 - Pedagogy of dialogue or of conflict according to Gadotti


NIETZSCHE, F. , 1979 , O futuro das instituições de ensino , Via Editora
Agostinho, ST. , 1999 , O Mestre , Porto: Porto Editora
Arendt, H. et al. , 2000 , Quatro Textos Excêntricos , Lisboa: Relógio D?Água
Aristóteles , 1990 , Politics , London: Harvard University Press
Barthélemy, J.J. , A Educação Ateniense , Lisboa: Inquérito Ed.
GadottiI, M. , 1985 , Educação e Poder ? Introdução à Pedagogia do Conflito , S. Paulo: Cortez Ed.
Innerarity, D. , 1996 , Filosofia Como Uma das Belas Artes , Lisboa: Teorema
Nietzsche, F. , 1974 , Origem da Tragédia , Lisboa: Guimarães Editores
Platão , 1972 , Apologia de Sócrates , Lisboa: Ed. Verbo
Platão , 1990 , A República , Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Postman, N. , 2002 , O Fim da Educação , Lisboa. Relógio D?Água
Savater, F. , 1997 , O Valor de Educar , Lisboa. Editorial Presença

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Use of active and reflective methodologies . PBL - Problem Based Learning. 2. Analytical Model and sustained sequential in PPO. Hermeneutic Model. 4. Deconstructionism. 5. Nondirective Model. 6. Dialogic model. 7. Analytical Model. 8. Critical Model. Cooperative work and creation of a philosophical project, use of dialogical and analytical method to assess the reflective , deductive , discursive and dexterity to use the mother language in their oral and writing skills. With respect to the assessment of student learning , as well as direct observation of the participation of each of the activities of the classroom , their evaluation is based on a written test ( 50 % of final assessment ) , the capacity for autonomously search for information , theoretical foundation and formal presentation of an individual written work on a critical author or theme in the program of this course , with an academic article format ( 50 % of final assessment).