Subject: Sociology of Education

Scientific Area:



63 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Address the major trends and their theorists in the field of Sociology of Education.
2 - Provide students with a conceptual reference support at the level of Sociology of Education, which may enable the analysis, understanding and resolution of the phenomena triggered in educational contexts.
3 - Allow a reflection centered on the diversity of institutions, contexts and actors at the level of the educational level.


1 - Module 1. The Sociology and the socialization processes 1.1.Sociology: concept, evolution and methods. 1.2. Theoretical perspectives: 1.2.1. Functionalism 1.2.2. Conflict 1.2.3. Interactionism 1.3. The socialization and its dimensions 1.3.1. Agents of socialization 1.4. The family as a social institution 1.4.1. The family's role in the socialization and education 1.5. Youth cultures and peer groups 1.6. Social processes in the classroom
2 - Module 2. Social interaction and social structure 1. Elements of the social structure 2. Class and stratification 2.1. Stratification by social class 2.2. Theories of the social mobility 2.3. Demography
3 - Module 3. Sociology of education: perspectives and theorists 1. Functionalism: Emile Durkheim, Talcott Parsons, Robert Merton. 2. Conflict: Karl Marx, Christian Baudelot, Roger Establet, Samuel Bowles, Herbert Gintis, Henry Giroux, Pierre Bourdieu and Jean Claude Passeron. 3. Action / Interactionism: Raymond Boudon, George Herbert Mead, Erving Goffman, Max Weber, Randall Collins
4 - Module 4. Inequalities in school context. 1. The school impotence in face to the inequalities. 1.1. Coleman Report; critical analysis 1.2. The study by Christopher Jenks. 1.3. The study by Michael Rutter. 2. sociological interpretations of school inequalities 2.1. Social environment of the student. 2.2. Structure and school organization. 2.3.The gender.
5 - Module 5. The social functions of education 1. The political function 2. The economic function 3. Social selection 4. Transmission of company's culture 5. Training Function


J. Formosinho , 1998 , A Construção Social da Educação Escolar , ASA
A. Mendonça , 2009 , O Insucesso Escolar: Políticas Educativas e Práticas Sociais , Pedago
C. Pinto , 2000 , Sociologia da Escola , McGrawHill
S. Grácio & S. Stoer , 1982 , Sociologia da Educação II - Antologia. A Construção Social das Práticas Educativas , Livros Horizonte

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The frequencies aim to measure theoretical and theoretical-practical knowledge. Thus, the student can, throughout the semester, evaluate its performance and change strategies if necessary. Furthermore, they allow to stimulate continued study. The oral assessments have, in the 1st place, the objective of developing oral communication skills and, in the 2nd place, to allow the assessment of knowledge about the contents taught, demonstrating knowledge and development of a critical spirit regarding the topics covered. The works are evaluated by report, presentation or discussion. They allow the development of design, writing, presentation of results, oral communication skills and teamwork. The assessment (continuous) will focus on two stages: 1- Conducting an attendance test 2- Oral presentation of a group work (topic to be defined by the teacher). Weight of each evaluation moment for the attribution of the final grade: Frequency: 50% Group work: 50%