Subject: ICT and Education

Scientific Area:



63 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Recognize the urgency and the importance of the incorporation of ICT in schools and the role that their exploitation can play in innovation in education;
2 - Assess the potential of software for the creation of (s) of the learning context (s);
3 - Use computer tools in innovative ways (like support in creating settings of "new" learning);
4 - Deepen the importance of constructivism / constructionism as the foundation of a pedagogical intervention project;
5 - Strengthening the role of the social environment and interaction in the acquisition, construction and sharing of knowledge;
6 - Design classes as learning communities where learners are the protagonists;
7 - Develop the role of the teacher as organizer of the contexts of learning, dynamic activity and metacognitive agent and as an element of the transformation of traditional school routines;
8 - Using the Internet as a privileged means of collecting and sharing information, including "educational" software.


1 - The manufacturing paradigm: characterization and causes of their "aging";
2 - Innovation: seeking a new paradigm for school;
3 - Elements that can support the construction of a new paradigm;
4 - The incorporation of technology as an innovation factor;
5 - The effectiveness of technology in education: a look at the research;
6 - The different ways to imagine using computers in education: teaching-by-computer-assisted collaborative learning;
7 - The Logo language;
8 - The Early in the school and its relationship with the psychomotor education;
9 - The software as part of the learning context;
10 - Assumptions of software evaluation (education);
11 - The potential for exploitation of educational software;
12 - Tasks of practical nature:
13 - Using the search engines;
14 - The Load, unpack, install and operate software;
15 - Evaluate the software;
16 - The Schedule;
17 - Develop the multimedia artifacts;
18 - Use the resources available to email.


Fino, C. N. , 2008 , Inovação Pedagógica: significado e campo (de investigação) , Grafimadeira
Fino, C. N. e Sousa, J. , As TIC redesenhando as fronteiras do currículo in Revista Educação & Cultura Contemporânea , Rio de Janeiro: Universidade Estácio de Sá.
Jonassen, D. , 2007 , Computadores, Ferramentas Cognitivas , Porto: Porto Editora
Kuhn, T. S. , 1996 , The Structure of Scientific Revolutions , Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Lave, J. e Wenger, E. , 1991 , Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation , Cambridge USA: Cambridge University Press
Papert S. , 1997 , A família em rede , Lisboa: Relógio d?Água, Editores
Vigotski L. S. , 1999 , A formação social da mente: o desenvolvimento dos processos psicológicos superiores , S. Paulo: Martins Fontes.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Reconceptualization of contributions highlighting the detailed clarification of the contribution of some authors (Vygotsky, for example); The incorporation of technology as a key element of the discussion, being necessary to review all the implications of this merger, including false expectations, some blind alleys and paths that must be brave so that technology can be a tool of pedagogical innovation. It is expected of learners autonomy and participation in completing the puzzle of complex theoretical discipline. Will be often resorting to ICT as support. The assessment, which takes into account attendance and student participation (10%), will be of a continuous nature, including timely information collected on the performance in the following activities: Group written work (30%); oral presentation of group work (10%) and individual written test (50%). Pupil assessment also requires a frequency of 75% of classes taught.