Subject: Special Educational Needs

Scientific Area:



63 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Understand the care for people with Special Educational Needs over time
2 - Learn about risk factors, prevention and intervention in child / youth / adult with Disabilities / Special Needs Education;
3 - Know relate to children / youth / adults with SEN / NE
4 - Know the importance of teamwork in caring for children / youth / adults with special educational needs
5 - Promote reflection on attitudes / behaviors of family and society from people with Special Needs in view forms of collaboration
6 - Convey to students knowledge that will enable them to collaborate in the implementation of strategies and techniques with children / youth / adults with special educational needs


1 - Special Educational Needs / Disabilities
2 - Historical and legislative framework
3 - Evolution of concepts: segregation-integration-exclusion-inclusion
4 - Educational Special Needs character prolongado.Sobredotação
5 - Assistive technology and adaptations
6 - Early intervention: recipients and stakeholders. The transition and preparation for post-school life for individuals with special needs. International guidelines and national reality. The individualized transition plans. The conditions for effective transition.
7 - Inclusive Education and Social Inclusion
8 - Assessment, Customer / Intervention with Children / Youth / Adults with Special Needs  
9 -   Roles of the professionals involved in the rehabilitation of persons with NE   Interaction between the technicians responsible for the educational intervention and rehabilitation;  
10 -   Inclusion in the workplace   The society and the child / youth / adult with NE


Ainscow, M., Porter, G. & Wang, M. , 1997 , Caminhos para escolas inclusivas , Lisboa:IIE
Ainscow, M. , 1998 , Necessidades especiais na sala de aula , Lisboa:IIE
Bautista, Rafael , 1997 , Necessidades Educativas Especiais, Dina Livro , Dina Livro
Correia, Luís M. ; Ana Serrano , 1999 , Envolvimento Parental em Intervenção Precoce. , Porto Editora
Correia, Luís M. , 2011 , Alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais nas Classes Regulares , Porto Editora
Correia, Luís M. , 2013 , Inclusão e Necessidades Educativas Especiais , Porto Editora

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Verbal Presentation and clarification of concepts Reading and analysis of texts Reflection on the syllabus of Discipline Contact with services acting within the SEN / NE Reflection on the observation of practices The evaluation will take into account, a training perspective, namely the attitudes of ethical-professional nature (attendance and meaningful participation of students). Include the periodic evaluation as a way to confirm the extent to which learning objectives have been achieved. The evaluation model adopted is the B of Regulation Assessment of Student Learning UMa. The approval passes Positive 10/20 for obtaining the classification according to the evaluative unit and the specific weight of each of them, namely: individual works Frequencies 2 (40% each) Group work (20%) Opment portfolio reflective of the fieldwork undertaken by students in context (10%) and presented orally (10%) by group members."