Subject: Pedagogic Contemporary Trends

Scientific Area:



63 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Know and understand the development of the principals paradigms and contemporary pedagogical currents, framing a historical and social context.
2 - Analyze, specifically the whole educational process developed in Portugal since the nineteenth century to the present day.
3 - Practice the competence of group work (preparation and presentation) through the analysis of texts and research biografical authors that implemented the main pedagogical currents.


1 - Presentation of discipline program and decide about the evaluation process that will be put in practice .
2 - The New Education Current - Precursors ,Authors, basis or substantiation main particular elements: -Decroly, Maria Montessori; Claparede; Freinet; Dewey.
3 - The New Education Current in Portugal - Major introducers and followers: -Alvaro Viana de Lemos; Faria de Vasconcelos, António Sérgio; Aurélio da Costa Ferreira; Irene Lisboa e Sebastião da Gama
4 - Movement of the Modern School in Portugal (MEM).
4.1 - Origins and Precursors.
4.2 - MEM guiding principles and organizers ,nowadays.
4.3 - MEM in Madeira.
5 - The Educational Theory of Vigotsky.
6 - The Pedagogy of Awareness Paulo Freire.
7 - The Culture Model of Jerome Brunner.
8 - Carl Rogers and the not directive Teaching. The pedagogical model of "Escola da Ponte" em Portugal.
9 - Pedagogy by objectives/pedagogy with objectives.
10 - Pedagogy in Adult Education.
10.1 - The andragogical model of Malcolm Knowles.
10.2 - The Learning Tranformativa or "Dimensions of Adult Learning," according Mezirrow.
11 - Conclusion.


Yves Bertrand , 2001 , Teorias Contemporâneas da Educação. . , Instituto Piaget, Lisboa
Jerome Brunner , 2000 , Cultura da Educação. , Edicões70. LDA, Lisboa:
Jean Chateau, , s.d. , Os grandes pedagogos. . , Livros do Brasil, Lisboa
António Sérgio , 2008 , Ensaios sobre educação. , Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda,Lisboa
Ramiro Marques , 1999 , Modelos Pedagógicos Actuais , Plátano, Lisboa
Ramiro Marques , 2001 , História concisa da pedagogia. , Plátano, Lisboa
Paulo Freire , 2007 , Pedagogia da Autonomia: saberes necessários à prática educativa. . , Paz e Terra, S. Paulo
John Dewey , 2007 , Democracia e educação: capítulos essenciais , Ática
António Nunes , 2001 , Freinet: actualidade pedagógica de uma obra. , Asa, Porto
Pedro Gonçalves , 2002 , O Movimento da Escola Moderna: um pecrurso cooperativo na construção da profissão docente e no des , Porto Editora
Sérgio Niza , 2012 , Sérgio Niza - Escritos sobre Educação , Tinta da China
Roger Gal , 2004 , História da Educação. Lisboa: Vega Editor , Vega, Lisboa
António Nóvoa , 2008 , Profisão Professor , Porto Editora

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The methodology for this course calls for an activity of theoretical and practical nature, which includes moments of action (research, construction) and moments of reflection and debate. In the first phase are analyzed manufacturing School and the New School, respective relations and tensions from the projection of slides, reading texts and discussion groups and plenary. Then we will study some of the main authors of the New School, followed by a selection of others, not tied directly or after this movement with a view to understanding and reconstruction of theoretical references about contemporary education currents and their application in pedagogical practice . The assessment focuses on a frequency with a 50% weight in the final evaluation and a written work in a group with equal weight - 50% on an author or pedagogical current, each group will present to the class a logic of information sharing.