Subject: Artistic Education - Music

Scientific Area:



63 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Understand the importance of music in personal development of children and young people;
2 - Recognize the social role of music;
3 - Recognize the importance of preserving music as cultural heritage;
4 - Make a critical reflection about the different music styles and genres;
5 - Recognize the importance of the three main musical ativities - listening, interpretation, composing - for the development of musical skills;
6 - Show an approach and creative use of music skills in the three main musical ativities.


1 - Music properties
2 - The instrumental practice
2.1 - Instruments (percussion indefinite height) and PAI (percussion height set) PAD
2.2 - Improvisation, creation and interpretation of melodic and rhythmic melodies/sequences with voice and instruments
3 - The singing voice
4 - Audition
5 - Madeiran music/intangible heritage
6 - Madeiran music and musicians
7 - Classical music


Aguilar, M.C. , 2002 , Aprender a escuchar música , Madrid: A. Machado Libros
Aguirre, I. , 2000 , Teorias y praticas de la educacion artistica , Pamplona: Universidad Publica de Navarra (UPN)
Amado, M. L. , 1999 , O prazer de ouvir música , Editorial Caminho da Educação
Brasão, M. L. , Brinquedos Tradicionais Cantados: lengalengas e trava-línguas , Editorial Livro. Lisboa
Camacho, R. e Araújo, R. , 2011 , Instrumentos musicais da tradição popular madeirense , Funchal: AAGCEA
. , 1994 , Dicionário Oxford de música. , Lisboa. Publicações Dom Quixote
Diversos , Edições Convite à Música , Lisboa: Edições Convite à Música
Fonterrada, M. T. de O. , 2003 , De tramas e fios ? Um ensaio sobre música e educação , São Paulo. Editora Unesp
Ostrower, F. , 2010 , Criatividade e processos de criação , Petrólis. Editora vozes
Sousa, A. , 2003 , Educação pela arte e artes na educação - Música e artes plásticas , Lisboa: Instituto Piaget

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Classes will have two moments: one practical and another theoretical. At first, it is intended to provide the students with several experiments towards the development of their musicality and their artistic and musical thought. In the second, it is intended to provide the theoretical foundation of the most practical activities, that is, from practice to theory. There will be individual and group work with class presentation/participation. We will attempt to do some work outs, visiting some cultural institutions foreseeing the knowledge, in loco, of good music practice/projects. The evaluation will include several moments: continuous -presence, creativity, participation and work originality and class performance (40%); an individual practical work (10%); a practical group work (15%) and a group work on one of the matters of the program, presented and discussed in class context in articulation with the practical activities of those (35%).