Subject: Study of the Environment IV

Scientific Area:

Environment Studies


63 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Develop the ability to systematically investigate and organize knowledge about chemistry and geology;
2 - Understand the interdisciplinary character of experimental science teaching;
3 - To know basic concepts and principles of chemistry and geology, to understand phenomena of daily life;
4 - Recognize the contribution of chemistry to technological progress and improvement of quality of life;
5 - Understand the interrelationship between chemistry and geology and other sciences in explaining natural phenomena in a holistic approach to scientific knowledge;
6 - Develop scientific curiosity;
7 - Train critical thinking, using various sources of information to explain the phenomena of the environment;
8 - Identify chemical and geological elements of the surrounding environment and their interrelationships;
9 - Perform practical activities that mobilize knowledge of chemistry and geology, adapting them to the cognitive level of students and the OCEPE and the programs of the 1st and 2nd CEB.


1 - Composition of the matter
1.1 - Fundamental concepts in chemistry
1.1.1 - The scientific method;
1.1.2 - Characterization of matter;
1.1.3 - The gases;
1.1.4 - Water as a solvent;
1.2 - Chemistry and natural environment
1.2.1 - Water and the atmosphere - importance for life on earth;
1.2.2 - Organic and inorganic pollution and sustainable development;
1.3 - Chemical Composition of Living Beings
1.3.1 - Main molecules of life;
1.4 - Geology and environment
1.4.1 - The cycle of rocks;
1.4.2 - Mineral resources, water and soil;
1.4.3 - Sustainable exploitation of resources and climate change;
1.4.4 - Geological risks and management;
2 - Lab - safety and organization rules
2.1 - Laboratory safety;
2.2 - Laboratory notebook;
2.3 - Safety signs and labeling;
2.4 - Scientific report;
2.5 - Basics of ethics in science;
2.6 - Practical assignments and understanding of the subject.


Barnes, J. W. & Lisle, R. J. , 2003 , Basic Geological Mapping , New York: John Wiley & Sons
Chang, R. , 2010 , Chemistry , New York: McGraw-Hill
Chapman, J. L. & Reiss, M. , 2000 , Ecology: Principals and Applications , Ecology: Principals and Applications
Deer, W.A., Howie, R..A. & Zussman, J. , 1981 , Minerais constituintes das rochas-uma introdução , Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Harnung, S. E. & Johnson, M. S. , 2012 , Chemistry and Environment , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Karen, M. W. , 2009 , Physical Geology Laboratory Manual , New York: Kendall-Hunt Publishing
Martín, J. L., Archevaleta, M., Borges, P. A. V. & Faria, B. (eds.) , 2008 , Top 100. Las 100 especies amenazadas prioritarias de gestión en la región europea biogeográfica de la Consejería de medio Ambientes y Ordenación Territorio , N/A
Silberberg, M. S. , 2009 , Chemistry, The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change , New York: McGraw-Hill.
Van Cleave's, J. , 1991 , Earth Science for Every Kid, John , New York: Wiley & Sons

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The chosen teaching methodologies aim to actively involve students in the processes of building their own knowledge. Theoretical content will be developed during lectures and put into practice during practical laboratory and field activities. This will involve the planning, execution and evaluation of laboratory and experimental activities, involving the student in the execution of practical activities related to daily experiences. The evaluation of theoretical and practical content will be made in each of the taught modules (chemistry and geology), based on a written test (50%), group work (40%) and individual assessment of motivation and participation in classes ( 10%), including the involvement and responsibility of each student in the proper functioning of the classes, the good use of laboratory material, its cleanliness and tidiness.