Subject: Specific Didactics of Portuguese

Scientific Area:

Didáticas Específicas


43 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 Promote linguistic awareness;

2 Build sustained activities for understanding and producing orality;

3 Know the importance of reading for the writing process;

4 Identify the skills required for the reading comprehension process;

5 Understand the importance of reading and writing for social and collective development;

6 Master the conceptual models that provide the basic foundation necessary for learning and the development of writing;

7 Promote writing environments;

8 To adapt the choice of the textual corpus, according to the age level and the educational level;

9 Understand the progressive mastery of the functioning of language, orally and in writing, through the ability to reflect on its regularities;

10 Enhance grammatical knowledge to improve the ability to interpret and produce oral and written statements.


- Oral pedagogy (comprehension and expression; playful dimension of the word: oral games; tale and its possibilities; competences related to the production and adequacy of oral speech); 

- Reading Pedagogy (concepts and approaches; reading processes; reading competence and interpretation);

- Discovery of Writing (writing as a means of communication and expression; graphic reason and phonological awareness; obstacles to good writing; learning processes);
- Writing Production (textual typologies; strategies for writing development; writing in socio-cultural context);

- Grammar Pedagogy (grammar teaching: state of the art and reactions; linguistic analysis skills; linguistic awareness: phonological, morphological, lexical, syntactic, textual and discursive);

6 - Scientific-pedagogical intervention in educational context (planning of pre-school and 1st and 2nd CEB didactic units; critical appraisal of textbooks and other teaching materials; construction of assessment instruments)



Barbeiro, L. & Pereira, L. A. (2007). O ensino da Escrita: a dimensão textual. Lisboa: ME/DGIDC.

Duarte, I. (1997). Algumas boas razões para ensinar gramática. Porto: Areal.

Duarte, I. (2008). O conhecimento da língua: desenvolver a consciência linguística. Lisboa: ME/DGIDC.

Ferrão Tavares, C. (2007). Didáctica do Português: Língua materna e não materna. Porto Editora.

Freitas, M. J., Alves, D. & Costa, T. (2008). O Conhecimento da Língua: Desenvolver a Consciência Fonológica. Lisboa: ME/DGIDC.

Jolibert, J. (1994). Formando Crianças Leitoras. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas Sul.

Pereira, M. L. A. (2000). Escrever em Português: Didácticas e Práticas. Porto: ASA.

Sim-Sim, I., Silva, A.C., Nunes, C. (2008). Linguagem e Comunicação no Jardim-de-Infância. Lisboa: ME/DGIDC.

Sim-Sim, I., Duarte, C., Micaelo, M. (2007). O Ensino da Leitura: A Compreensão de textos. Lisboa: ME/DGIDC.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitative (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology: The theoretical-practical classes will be used for oral presentation by the teacher and students, based on the presentation and reflection on selected texts for the creation of the conceptual framework that guides and fundamentally the development of pedagogical activities and resources. The practical sessions will have a laboratory character based on active methodologies, based on strategies and resources such as exposition, debate, document analysis, individual work and group work for critical reflection on the topics addressed. The weighting of the assessment components will be as follows: 25% for the construction of a group portfolio of reading and writing activities; 25% for the planning of an activity / class, based on a specific method of reading and writing, also performed in groups; 40% for an individual test; and 10% for commitment, attendance, punctuality and responsibility.