Subject: Specific Didactics of the Study of the Environment

Scientific Area:

Didáticas Específicas


43 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Recognize the importance of scientific literacy as a differentiating factor of an informed society;
2 - Know the principles of didactics, relating them to the OCEP and the 1st and 2nd CEB Curricula;
3 - Mobilize knowledge of the natural and social sciences to create didactic proposals, to be executed in different educational contexts;
4 - Reflect on the organizational aspects in carrying out experimental activities;
5 - Understand scientific knowledge as dynamic from the reflection on the History of Science;
6 - Identify Science-Technology and Society relations in daily life, developing a critical attitude towards the diversity of information;
7 - Develop the capacity for collaborative work in the planning and execution of common projects;
8 - Mobilize different knowledge (cultural, scientific and technological) in problem solving;
9 - Assume attitudes and values for civic, supportive and critical participation.


1 - Fundamentals of Environmental Study Didactics
2 - Teaching and learning Environmental Studies
2.1 - Constructivist social perspective and cognitive development
2.2 - Social Environment Study
2.2.1 - Role of social studies in shaping values and understanding contemporary society;
2.2.2 - Local past and teaching-learning strategies: heraldry, sculpture, toponym and heritage;
2.3 - Natural Environment Study
2.3.1 - Scientific work in Basic Education
2.3.2 - Science-Technology-Society Guidelines
2.4 - Environment Study Teaching Contexts
2.4.1 - Formal Environmental - Preschool - World Knowledge Area and Personal and Social Training Area - 1st CEB - Environmental Study
2.4.2 - Informal Environments - Entendimento público da Ciência - History of Science and development of Society and Technology


Bessa, P. , 2003 , Rumos da Cidadania Patrimonial: a Localidade na História: do Século XV ao Século XIX , Porto: ASA
Cooper, H. , 2002 , Didáctica de la Historia en la Educación Infantil y Primaria , Madrid: Morata
García Blanco, A. , 1994 , Didáctica del Museo: el Descubrimiento de los Objetos , Ed. De la Torre
Monteiro, A. M. et al. Org.) , 2997 , Ensino de História: Sujeitos, Saberes e Práticas , Mauad X, FAPERJ
Telmo, I. C. , 1989 , O Património e a Escola: do Passado ao Futuro , Texto Editora
Cachapuz, A., Praia, J. & Jorge, M. , 2002 , Ciência, Educação em Ciência e Ensino das Ciências , Ministério da Educação
Varela, P. & Sá, J. , 2004 , Crianças Aprendem a Pensar Ciências - Uma Abordagem Interdisciplinar , Porto Editora

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The classes will have a Theoretical-Practical methodology exposing the theoretical contents always open to the students intervention and also discussed and analysed various documents related to the themes of the contents addressed. Knowledge will be mobilized from the Social and Physical-Natural Study, learned in previous semesters, promoting the articulation of knowledge for the debate of everyday problems and the integrated analysis of documents (newspaper articles, documentaries, legislation). Laboratory activities will be planned and scientific controversies will be discussed. The evaluation will be continuous and essentially formative. For summative evaluation each component has a weight of 50% in the final classification. Each component of this CU (Social Environment and Natural Physical Environment) will have the following weights for each requirement: 1 mini-test, worth 20%; and 1 paper, worth 30% (20% in the formal written aspect and 10% for the paper oral presentation).