Subject: Practical Studies IV - Basketball

Scientific Area:

Sport Sciences


48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Know and characterise the game
2 - Provide students with a global vision and experience of training and game situations in order to minimum competence regarding specific motricity of basketball
3 - Provide experience of training situations and regularly play and promote the capacity to carry out, in the role of trainer of initiation, a set of experiences more specific and specialized, that give practical content to adequate preparation of athletes and teams in official competition
4 - Adopt scientific attitude and reflexive critical method
5 - Reveal initiative and innovation both in training and in game
6 - Assume availability and motivation for teamwork, privileging sharing of information and behaviours of solidarity and mutual assistance.
7 - Using information technologies and effective communication in knowledge application
8 - Evaluate, plan, manage and organize training and competition sessions for different groups
9 - Develop capacity for autonomy and social responsibility sense in guiding training and game process


1 - Historical - Philosophical assumptions and perspectives and Institutional Framework, Formal and Functional Structure of Basketball
2 - Know how to train
2.1 - Coach Intervention Guidance Framework
2.2 - The coach's example
2.3 - Preparation and evaluation of the training session
2.4 - Team direction in training and competition
2.5 - Relationship with players, parents, leaders and referees
3 - Concepts and Working Tools
3.1 - Elementary and official game rules
3.2 - Phases of the game and its goals
3.3 - Terminology and symbology
3.4 - Field references
4 - How to Start Teaching the Game
4.1 - Purpose of the game
4.2 - Characterization of the game of beginners and their structuring principles
4.3 - Diagnosis and observation of the level of play
5 - Minibasket
6 - Developments of Motor Capabilities (MC) Specific to Basketball
7 - Offensive and Defensive Individual Tactics
8 - Individual Offensive and Defensive Techniques (Player Defense with Ball)
9 - Offensive and Defensive Collective Tactics
10 - 3x3


Adelino, J. , 1999 , As coisas simples do basquetebol , ANTB, Lisboa
Araújo, J. M. , 1998 , O Treinador: Saber Estar e Saber Ser , ANTB, Lisboa
Araújo, J. M. , 2003 , Diário de um Treinador. O insucesso como meio de aprendizagem , Editorial Caminho
Barreto, H. , 1971 , Basquetebol: (Técnica e Táctica). ,
Barreto, H. , 1980 , Aperfeiçoamento e formação dos jovens: Algumas considerações sobre a defesa , Associação Nacional de Treinadores de Basquetebol
Barreto, H. , 201 , Ensino do basquetebol no ambiente de jogo. ,
Araújo, J. , 1992 , Basquetebol - Preparação Técnica Táctica , FPB/ARB.
Barreto, H. , 2004 , Prontidão desportiva: Equilíbrio entre a capacidade de hoje e as exigências de amanhã , FMH-UTL
Barreto, H., & Gomes, M. , 1989 , A concretização de uma unidade didáctica em basquetebol , IDAF.
Escola Nacional de Basquetebol , 2010 , Manual de Metodologia e Didáctica - Nível 1. , FPB/ENB
Ferreira, A. P., Ferreira, V., Peixoto, C., & Volossovitch, A. (Eds.). , 2004 , Gostar de basquetebol: Ensinar a jogar e aprender jogando. , FMH-UTL
Rose, D. & Tricoli, V. , 2005 , Basquetebol: uma visão integrada entre ciência e prática , Editorial Manole
Seoane, A. M. , 2010 , Didáctica del Baloncesto , Editorial Paidotribo

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
1. Information of the contents's exposition with Experimentation and practical exercise and use of theoretical characteristics times and possibility of intervention and clarification of doubts. 2. Active and relevant participation of the students in the classes and 1 theoretical test (25% of grade) through the answers and the application of the knowledge: a minimum attendance of 75% of the classes is required and the minimum grade of 9,5 values for success, being able to access resource evaluation. 3. Assessment of the knowledge by 1 practical test (about 10 minutes intervention) (50% of grade) on 1 of the technical themes and/or tactics offensive and defensive. 4. Assessment of knowledge through 1 practical group work (25% of grade) whose subjects are drawn based on the programmatic contents of the CU. In this, the skills of structuring knowledge, critical reflection, cooperation work among colleagues, oral communication and the production of written report are encouraged and trained.