Subject: Sports Training II - Gymnastics

Scientific Area:

Sport Sciences


160 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Master the knowledges related to the gymnastics sport training in an integrated way, enabling it to intervene with knowledge and property at the level of Gymnastics training;
2 - Adopt a scientific attitude and a reflexive critical method;
3 - Reveal capacity for initiative and innovation in Gym Sports Training;
4 - Develops the technical domain of the fundamental contents of the diff disciplines of Gymnastics;
5 - Availability and motivation for the team work, privileging sharing of inf and behaviors of solidarity and mutual aid;
6 - Use technologies and effective communication in the application of sports knowledge and gymnastics;
7 - Use technologies and effective communication in the application of sports knowledge and gymnastics;
8 - Develop of Observational Capacity / Analysis of the gymnastics movement;
9 - Plan and manage the process of training sports in Gymnastics;
10 - Develops the capacity for autonomy and the sense of social responsibility in guiding the training process in order to apply the knowledge acquired.


1 - Fundamentals of Gymnastics
1.1 - Introduction to Biomechanics in Gymnastics
1.2 - Standards Gimnical Motors - Stationary
1.3 - Standards Gimnical Motors - Non-Stationary/Linear
2 - Prevention of Injuries
2.1 - Risk factors
2.2 - Prevention of sports injuries
3 - Gymnastics Dance
3.1 - Solo bar.
3.2 - Center Bar
3.3 - Exercises in the bar
3.4 - Space - Displacements
4 - Portable Devices - Apparatus Technology
4.1 - Rope
4.2 - Ball
4.3 - Bow
4.4 - Apples
4.5 - Tape
5 - Coherence between Body Technique and Apparatus Technique
5.1 - Elaboration of individual schemes/routines
5.2 - Elaboration of set schemas/routines
5.3 - Adequacy of the scheme/routine at the technical level of the gymnasts
6 - Organization and Management of the Gymnastics Training Process
6.1 - Planning and programming
6.2 - Training periodization
6.3 - Intervention in training
6.4 - Control and evaluation of gymnastics training


Apparatus Norms , 2009 , Fédération Internationale de GYmnastique , Apparatus Commission - Edition 2011
Apparatus in Gymnastcs for All , Gymnastcs for All Committee ,
Lebre, E., Araújo, C. , 2006 , Manual de Ginástica Rítmica , Porto Editora
Mendes, P. , 2006 , Curso de Treinadores (nível III). Planemento Anual , Coimbra, Portugal: FPP
Moreira, J., ARAÚJO, C. , 2004 , Manual Técnico e Pedagógico de Trampolins , Porto Editora
(United States of Gymnastcs Federation) , 1992 , Roookie Coaches Gymnastcs USAF , Human Kinetics Publishing
Russel, K. , 2011 , BasicGYM Fundamentos da Ginástica e da Literacia Motora , FGP
Russel, K. , 2011 , 20 Lições possíveis?.BasicGYM Fundamentos da Ginástica e da Literacia Motora. , FGP
Abrantes, J. , 2002 , Ginástica , Edição de autor
Castelo, J., Barreto , H., Alves, F., Santos , P., Carvalho, J., & Vieira, J. , 1998 , Metodologia do Treino Desportivo , Lisboa : FMH
Matveiev, L. p. , 1991 , Fundamentos do Treino Desportivo , Lisboa: Livros Horizonte, LDA

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Theoretical-practical classes with approach to the syllabus contents and their discussion; Laboratory practice classes with video observation and analysis; tutorial orientation meetings. Internship in an organization with protocol with UMa: organization and management of the training and competition process under the guidance of the tutor in the organization. The evaluation is carried out through a theoretical test -20%; of a work of development of a theme-15%; continuous evaluation of the work carried out during the semester with regard to the organization of training and competition, expressed in a 40% trainer dossier; and a critical activity report developed-25%.