Subject: Foreign Language A1.1 French

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1. - French A1.1 is for the Breakthrough or Beginner Level according to "The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment" (2000: 25). It requires the understanding and the use of the daily expressions in order to satisfy the students need in the basic communication. The objectives of this level are: to develop the language/linguistic competence through a guided, rigorous and systematic learning of the French morpho syntax, as a foreign language. The students could have their autonomy to observe the language as well as its communicative practicals. Thus, the student can: - introduce oneself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where someone lives, people someone knows and things someone has: interpersonal communication.


0. - GENERALITIES : The sounds in French
1. - INITIATION (Presentations, Greetings)
2. - LESSONS ONE to THREE (Basic grammar: Grammatical points: Definite and indéfinite articles, possessive adjectives, conjugation of verbs in "-er" in the present tense, three forms of sentences: affirmative, negative and interrogative.
3. - LESSON ONE BIS (Situations : "Dans la classe de français" (Ithe the French classs) / Readings: "Sur le campus de l'université" (In the university campus"
4. - «Portraits d' Étudiants » LESSON TWO BIS (Situations : "Dans la chambre de Bob (In Bob's bedroom") / Readings "Portraits d'étudiants" (Students'portraits")
5. - LESSON THREE BIS (Situations : "Quelle est la capitale " / Readings : "Ma rue et mon quartier" / New Expressions nouvelles:" "Quelle heure est-il?"
6. - GENERAL KNOWLEDGE : PROGRESSIVE VOCABULARY OF FRENCH AND CULTURE : Language of the classroom The map of France Some knowledge in culture : traditional celebrations: from September to December.


Bérard, É. , 2007 , Grammaire du français. Comprendre, réfléchir, communiquer. Niveaux A1/A2 du Cadre européen commun de référence. , Editions Didier
Carvalho de O. , 2007 , Gramática do Francês Fundamental. Ensino Básico; Ensino Secundário. , Porto Editora
Descotes-Genon, Ch., Morsel, M.-H, Richou, C. , 1993 , L?exercisier, L?expression française pour le niveau intermédiaire , PUG, Flem, Grenoble
Glaud, L., Lannier, M., Loiseau, Y. , 2015 , Grammaire essentielle du français. A1/A2.100% FLE , Editions Didier
Grégoire, M., Thiévenaz, O. , 2003 , Grammaire progressive du français , Porto Editora, CLE International
Larousse , 2004 , Gramática de Francês. Guia Essencial da Gramática Francesa. Companheiro Ideal de Revisões Para Todos Os Estudantes de Francês. , Larousse
Miquel, C. , 2016 , Vocabulaire Progressif du Français.2e Édition avec 280 exercices , CLE International
Pucciani/Hamel , 2002 , Langue & Langage 5E. Le français par le français , Thomson. Custom Publishers, USA

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Methods of Teaching : Multi-approach - Don't use the students' mother tongue (Portugese) - Expositive classes, theories and practices at the same time with the presentation in Power Point (videoprojector) - Use of the Internet: cultural activities (pictures, geographical maps, authentical texts, etc.) - Discussion according to various topics and/or the theoretical contents - Readings and discussions - Oral presentations / workshops - Games (Objects description, personal portraits, etc. Gests - Use of dictionaries (Portuguese / French) - Dialogs simulation Assessment of the students' learning : The students' assessment or the skills' acquisitions regarding the French language knowledge of French A1.2 (Elementary level) is through the regular assessment (the average of two written tests and also the 80% of the students' attendance of the students. To motivate students to practice French language, 2 marks will be added to the final grade : active oral participation and a Mini-project.